Middle School Matters For the Week of: 12.16.13
General Announcements: Study Skills: Taking matching tests and true false tests
Hot Lunch: Orders for January Hot Lunch are due by Sunday the 15th.
All Middle School Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 19 at ACS in the South Gym - Our entire Middle School will be performing. Call time is 6:30, Concert is at 7:00. All students should be wearing Concert Dress - Black and White. We are so excited to show you what we have been working on!
Dessert Theatre: This afternoon (Friday) marks our first rehearsal for the full cast! We are doing a complete read through/sing through, which is very exciting! If your student is unable to attend a rehearsal, please remember to email Mrs. Weaver to excuse him/her. To keep up to date on rehearsals and announcements, please visit the musical's website at http://acsdesserttheatre.weebly.com/
Sixth Grade:
Remember on Friday we are going on a service project to sing at two different nursing homes. We will leave around 10:15 and be back by 1:15. If your child did not order Culvers they will need to bring a sack lunch along with us. We will be taking the bus. Please encourage your child to wear appropriate fun Christmas clothing for our concerts. Also remember that nursing homes are kept at VERY WARM TEMPERATURE, so short sleeves are good, no super warm clothes needed! We are excited to be bringing the true meaning of Christmas to others on this busy day!
Art: 6th graders are now working on creating a self portrait in the style of the Egyptians people. Please check moodle for homework.
Band: All Middle School Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 19 at ACS in the South Gym. Our entire Middle School will be performing. Call time is 6:30, Concert is at 7:00. All students should be wearing concert dress - black and white. We are so excited to show you what we have been working on!
Bible: Bible Memory - Philippians 2: 1-7 due on Thursday. The Bible cubes look great hanging around the 6th grade rooms.
History: Continuing our new unit on Mesopotamia.
Language arts: Students did an awesome job on their quiz. They should bring it home today for a parent signature (due Monday). We will continue to read a variety of short stories. Note: Monday the sixth graders will be taking the second Discovery Education Assessment (DEA) test.
Math: Next week we hope to wrap up our work with fractions. Students will have some time to work on dividing fractions and will have a chapter test on Thursday. A study guide and practice test will be sent home on Monday.
PE: This week we will continue to work on our volleyball unit. Students will be focusing on the skills of passing, setting, and serving.
Orchestra: Tuning time for the concert-- be in the orchestra room -at 6:20 and we will be on stage by 6:55! Be sure to leave your instruments at school this week - to keep them in tune! Wear black and white, concert dress.
Science: This week we will be investigating more about how and why different elements "like" to react with one another. We will see what some of these reactions look like.
Spanish: Students will have a short quiz on pronouns and the verb SER. 6A Quiz is Tuesday; 6B Quiz is Wednesday.
Seventh Grade: Art: 7th graders are all working on a self portraits in the style of Lego. Please check moodle for homework.
Band: All Middle School Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 19 at ACS in the South Gym. Our entire Middle School will be performing. Call time is 6:30, Concert is at 7:00. All students should be wearing concert dress - black and white. We are so excited to show you what we have been working on!
Bible: Sanderson: We will learn about prayers in the Old Testament and investigate how we can apply these lessons when we pray. Van Noord: We have been studying the book of Isaiah, listening to the Messiah, and preparing for our Bible Memory. Next up: Christmas/Jonah Wanner: This week we completed our study of 1 Samuel and next week will be working on a project dealing with the jealousy that King Saul has at the end of 1 Samuel towards David. Bible Memory quiz is next week Tuesday on Psalm 25: 1 - 5.
Language arts: We are studying a condensed version of Charles Dickens classic piece "A Christmas Carol". By the end of the following week, students will have finished the story and be able to analyze the change in character of Ebenezer Scrooge throughout the story: his transformation from a greedy miser to a generous man. Students are also studying verbs and will have a quiz on Monday. Notes and answers to a review packet are posted on Moodle: remind your students to check their answers online to help them prepare!
PE: This week we will continue to work through our volleyball unit. We will learn how to spike a volleyball, and focus on the importance of serving.
Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We will take our 2nd round of DEA tests this week and continue our study of percents. I appreciate how hard the students are working to become more confident mathematicians. Keep it up!
Pre-Algebra (Kiser): This has been an enjoyable week working with the PreK students. They have a marvelous job working with percents. Next week we will check our progress this year with our Discovery Assessment Round 2, will complete a percents review and will have a percent quiz on Thursday, December 19.
Orchestra: Middle School Concert is Thursday, December 19. Tune time is 6:20 in the orchestra room and we will be on stage at 6:55. Concert dress is black and white. We are so excited to play a few songs for you. The 7th and 8th grade string players will also perform before the All school Chapel on Friday, December 20.
Spanish: Students have a quiz on conjugating regular -AR verbs. They do not need to know the meanings at this time, but need to know what endings to use with what subjects. 7D quiz is on Monday; 7E quiz is Tuesday. 7F will not have this quiz until after Christmas break.
Eighth Grade: Art: The 8th graders continue to prepare for the art invasion. Please check moodle for homework and any unfinished calligraphy verse projects need to be finished up Christmas break.
Band: All Middle School Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 19 at ACS in the South Gym. Our entire Middle School will be performing. Call time is 6:30, Concert is at 7:00. All students should be wearing concert dress - black and white. We are so excited to show you what we have been working on!
Bible: Huttenga: Students are learning about Paul's third missionary journey and his letter to the Corinthians. Paul has learned that the church in Corinth is facing many problems; by the end of the week, students will use this Bible passage to discover essential components of church unity and community.
Geometry: We have finished chapter 6 and are working on proving triangles are congruent. We now have 35 justifications to learn and use!
History: Chapter 9 quiz on Thursday next week. Students should continue to work on their timeline cards. We added 20 more cards to our pack from Chapter 9.
Language arts: Eighth Graders will take the LA DEA test on Monday. People all know the stories of the 3 Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and countless other fairy tales. But what if the tales we all heard were just part of the story? What if the Big Bad Wolf could tell his side of the fable? Is he just misunderstood? Eighth graders are asking themselves these questions and learning that a story can sound much different if we try to view it from the perspective of another character. Next week, students will continue to learn the importance of point-of-view in a story as they work in groups to rewrite class fairy tales.
PE: This week we will work through our volleyball unit. We will focus on gameplay and specific rules to follow during game situations.
Orchestra: The Middle School Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 19 at 7:00. All string players will tune at 6:30 in the orchestra room and be on stage by 6:55. We are looking forward to playing beautiful Christmas music for you. Concert dress is required - black and white.
Spanish: We will be researching and reporting to our classmates view slideshows how different Spanish-speaking countries celebrate the Christmas season! This will all be done inside of class time, and is a wonderful way to get a glimpse of several different Hispanic cultures.
Athletics: 5th/6th Grade Basketball: Reminder, up to date game schedules are always posted at the link below. Currently, we do not have a schedule yet for games played after Christmas Break. However, as soon as the schedule is available we will communicate that to you via email. http://www.graceac.com/schedules.htm 7th/8th Grade Basketball: The 7th and 8th grade basketball season is now underway. We are so excited to see so many students participating in ACS Athletics this winter. Please keep in mind that the first games will not take place until after Christmas break in January. The season will continue through March 8. Fall Sports Uniforms: Good news, they are all in, Thank you!
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