Art: 7th grade continues to work on their pencil drawings of their birds and also we have begun learning some about color theory so that we can paint our still-lives that we drew. Check the homework calendar for homework.
Band: January practice records are overdue. We are working on page 18 and 19 in our books.
Sanderson: It was wonderful hearing students share about their Spiritual Journeys this week. Key Phrases assignments will be due on Friday. Our third Bible memory work is due Feb. 20.
Wanner: Test on Tuesday over 1 and 2 Samuel. Student have a test review packet that they should study. Also due on Tuesday is the take home essay - if this is not completed by class on Tuesday student will have to complete it on the test. Next up are the Kings and students will be receiving a King on Tuesday to research and present. Please help your student remember a clean old sock for class on Wednesday.
VN: Daniel is done, Joel is next, then Habakkuk. Some excellent Daniel projects came in, hooray. :)
PE: This week in PE we will be starting our Floor hockey unit. Students will play game in class that work on strengthening offensive and defensive skills.
Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Solving equations involving positive and negative integers is the topic for this coming week. Encourage your student to show all his/her work as we continue to build good algebra habits with more complex equations.
Pre-Algebra (Kiser): These students are doing an AMAZING job working through two-step equations. We will keep showing our work on Each Side of our equations. We will tentatively plan on a test over Equations and Inequalities on Friday, Feb 14.
Spanish: 7D QUIZ on conjugating regular verbs is Monday; 7E QUIZ is Tuesday. 7F just learned -IR ending verbs, so their quiz will not be until the following week. Students in all classes should begin learning what all these verbs mean, and there is a set of online flashcards on Moodle for them.
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