Friday, February 21, 2014

MSM: Important Exploratory News

Middle School Matters

February 21.
General AnnouncementsT

Parent Teacher Conferences:  If you were unable to stop by last night, we would love see you at conferences this Thursday, February 27, from 5:30 - 8:30 in the commons.


Missing Work:  Next week during Exploratory Week can be a great time for students to work on and complete missing work.  With only two weeks left of the 2nd trimester, getting the late assignments turned in is very important.  Please encourage your child to check PowerSchool for missing work and to get it done.  


Urgent!  Drivers and Helpers Needed For Exploratory Week! We are still looking for some volunteers to drive our students to some of their activities next week and to help assist with some of the activities.  Please click on the link and look at what times are available and see if you could help us with this last detail.  If you can help, please sign up on the webpage.  It is the best way for us to know that we have the right number of volunteers.  Thanks!


Exploratory News

There are a few activities next week where the instructors have asked us to pass on a note to the students.  Please read through the following and check with your student if any of these apply to them. (We have also sent this information out as an email to each MS student.)


Set Painting:  We will be using acrylic paints that do not wash out.  Bring or wear old clothes.  Sometimes kids can be a little messy but fun.


Soccer Training: Please bring a soccer ball, tennis shoes, & PE clothes.


Lowell Farm and Wildlife: Please bring old boots, warm coat, hat, & work gloves as we will be outside part of the time.


Baking 101: Please bring the following items to school if possible: hand mixer, set of mixing bowls or 1 large one, spatula, measuring cups, and measuring spoons (these items will be left at school for the week and stored in the kitchen)


Fitness/Yoga: Students should wear comfortable/PE type clothes.  


Stop Motion Films: To help us all have the most fun and make the best videos we can, here are a few reminders:

1) If you have a USB WebCamera, please send it in with your student.

2) Please send your child with Legos, plastic figurines, Play-Doh or other items to use as props.

3) Students will need their laptop.

4) This past summer Mr. Musch, Mrs. Van Noord and Mr. Kiser did a test run in making stop motion films with students.  Click to view one of those projects.


Boxing Fitness: Please bring dry shoes (to change into at the gym) and PE/workout clothing.  


Martial Arts & Self-Defense: Please bring comfortable/PE type clothing for moving around.


Build it - Test it - Compete it: If you have any CD's you could part with, please send them to school with your child, we can use them as mousetrap car wheels.  


Scrapbooking:  Students need to bring photos, a scrapbook, and any paper/stickers they may want to use.  If you have any other supplies that we could borrow, please label them and we will return them to you!  Also, we are accepting donations of paper/stickers, etc. that you may no longer use (if you are now doing digital photo books.)  Thanks.


Winter Adventure Club: The weather for our outdoor activities will be great because there is lots of snow but it will also be extremely cold.   Each day please wear snow pants, gloves, hats, and warm winter coats. Tuesday = Cross Country Skiing, Wednesday = Snowshoeing (wear snow boots, the snowshoes fit over them), Thursday = Ice-skating, and Friday = Cannonsburg skiing/snowboarding.  


Poetry & Hip-Hop: Students will only need to bring themselves, a confident attitude, their laptop, and a pen or pencil. All other resources to be used in class will be provided by Mr. Huttenga.


Film Study: Students only need to bring a pen or a pencil to class, as well as their laptops. This weekend, I will be sending the list of films we will be watching in class. This will include a description of each film and a permission slip to ensure that each parent knows and understands the films that we will be studying in this class.


Winter Survival: Dress warm.  This means boots, snow pants, gloves and hat.

Exploring Art Mediums:  Students will be given an activity to complete with their parent for our second class.  This activity will involve an interview with one parent about their job and then collecting multiples of one low cost or cast-off items that the parent uses in their everyday job.  


8th Grade News

Dessert Theatre: Due to the rehearsals lost to snow days, we WILL be rehearsing some groups on both Wednesday and Friday during Exploratory Week.  Please check the link for more information.   Looking forward to a fun and productive week with these kids! 

8th Grade Yearbook Pictures and Baby Pictures: 
If your family would like to submit a different picture for the yearbook than the traditional school photograph, you may.  Please send an electronic copy of the photo to as soon as you can (Deadline March 1).  Here are a few tips:

-It is best if the picture is vertical

-It looks great if it is just a head and shoulders shot

-Make sure the resolution of the photo is at 300 dpi or higher.

-Most of the best pictures received so far have a file size of around 5 MB. 

-If you have questions, contact your photographer.  Many of them are able to send me the electronic file directly which can work very well.


To go along with this request, the yearbook (and the graduation ceremony) would like a baby picture for each 8th grade student.  I understand that many baby pictures are not digital, so you may submit either an electronic copy or a photograph.  To submit an electronic copy, again email  If you need to submit a traditional photograph, please write your child's name on the back of the picture and send it into school.  We will return the photograph later this spring.

8th Geometry Note: We have finished a short unit on Chapter 9 which contained the vocabulary for three-dimensional figures.  We are starting Chapter 10.  We will learn how to find the lateral area, surface area, and volume of three-dimensional figures.  Also, Mrs. Triezenberg will be at conferences this Thursday, February 27th, from 5:30 - 8:30 PM. 

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Visit our Athletic Website.


5th/6th Grade Basketball

Please turn in your basketball uniforms to Mrs. Van Duyn.

6th- 8th Swimming

A 6th - 8th grade swim meet will take place on April 23.  Days and times of practices are TBD, please keep this date in mind.  Sign-ups are coming soon!

7th/8th Grade

Remember the Cager Classic (end of season basketball tournament) will start the week of March 3.  Schedules will be coming soon and emailed out as soon as they are available.  


GRCS Spring Sports

GRCS is offering 3 sports that are not offered at Ada Christian.  These include 4th - 8th Grade Girls Lacrosse, 3rd - 8th Grade Boys Lacrosse,  5-7 year olds co-ed T-Ball, 3rd and 4th grade, 7th and 8th grade Tennis.  If you are interested in these sports there are flyers located in the office.  

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