All 7th Grade Students had a special experience on Maundy/Holy Thursday where we thought about the suffering of Christ and our response to his sacrifice.
We had a seventh grade class meeting on Friday where we talked about
How things at school are going for our class
Some student relations policy reviews so we review and remember how we are called to treat each other
Romance, food and lunches, body image, and getting along with each other
Strengths of our class
Things we need to work on
Finishing strong for our 7th grade year
We also talked about 8th grade and things to look forward to next year
What a great class!! We are thankful to God for them!
Algebra 7th/8th: Test on Wednesday over chapter 10.
Art: 7th grade should be completed with the building of their ceramic birds. All class will be working on a project that seek to have the students visually display their faith, family, and self, please ask to see your students sketchbook and discuss with them what they are drawing for this project.
Band: We are working on music for GrandFriend's Day, music fundamentals and scales.
VN: We continue to work on Isaiah and have an interesting project going - part 1 is due Tuesday.
Sanderson: We'll be examining our own Spiritual journeys this week.
Wanner: We are working on 2 Samuel. We have a Bible Memory quiz on Tuesday of Roman 12: 9 - 12.
History: We have started our study of American History. We are focusing on the Age of Exploration and the early settlements in the New World. We will be finishing up this chapter next week. Look for a quiz/test on this material early the following week.
Language arts: The 7th graders worked very hard this week, and on Friday they finished the first draft of their Paideia essays -- great job, everybody!
This coming week will be very busy as well, so be prepared to work hard and prioritize well! Here is what's coming up:
-Monday: Trouble projects are due.
-Wednesday: We will take a "quest" (small test) on Trouble. A comprehensive summary of the book and a review guide (including the short answer questions from the quest) are available on Moodle to help study).
-Friday: The second draft of the Paideia essay is due (parents stay tuned: I will be sending you more info because you play a direct role in this portion of the project!)
Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We're studying data - how to collect it, organize it, display it, and analyze it. Students will complete a data collection/graphing project to go deepen this study.
Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Next week we will wrap up our study of congruence, similarity and transformations. We will have our test on Thursday.
Science: We are now studying the circulatory and respiratory system.
Spanish: We will continue our practice of SER vs. ESTAR
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