Friday, April 25, 2014

Middle School Matters: 4/25/14

Middle School Matters

April 25, 2014
General AnnouncementsT

Middle School Matters

For the Week of: 4.28.14



General Announcements:


Grand Friends Day: Friday, May 2 - All Middle School Bands and Orchestras will perform for GrandFriends on Friday- they need to wear their black and white for this event.  Please help them to remember!




6th Grade News

Bible:  Started a new unit on the Book of Exodus.  Bible memory choice # 2 is due on Friday.

History:  Continue our study of the Roman Empire.  All paragraphs should be completed by Friday and compiled into one paper.   

Language arts:  WOW!  What a fabulous Fine Arts Night!  Congratulations to the the sixth graders who worked so hard.  The displays were beautiful and the food was delicious. Thank you, parents, for your encouragement during this project!  Next week, the students will finish up their persuasive papers and we will begin discussing the techniques used when giving a speech.

PE: This upcoming week on Monday and Wednesday the students will be taking their pickleball test.  Reminder:  6B will take their test on Monday, April 28, while 6A will take their test on Wednesday, April 30.  

Orchestra:  This week Friday is Grand Friends Day so the 6th grade orchestra will perform in a combined concert with the 7th and 8th grade string groups!  Concert dress  is required  so black and white .  Students may change after their concerts are complete.  The 6th graders will also give a short concert on Monday for the preschoolers!  FUN!

Science: Energy Test is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30.

Spanish:   Final Family Tree Projects are due: Tuesday for 6A, Wednesday for 6B.  I can't wait to see them!

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7th Grade News

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Sanderson: We're reflecting on our Spiritual Journeys this week and are enjoying hearing from various ACS teachers and staff about how God has worked and is working in their lives.


Language arts: Today the Parent Review sheet for Paideia was due -- thank you for your cooperation and hard work in this project! Your comments on the students reviews are very valuable and appreciated!

    On Wednesday, the third draft of the essay is due (the drafts that I will read over and mark up). I explained this third draft a bit in a previous email, but I will be sending an email soon to clarify.


PE:  This upcoming week on Monday and Tuesday the student will be taking their pickleball test.  Reminder:  7E & 7D will take their test on Monday April 28, while 7F will take it on Tuesday, April 29.  


Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We continue to study data, how to collect it, display it, and analyze it.


Orchestra:  Grand Friend's Day is this Friday-- May 2 and 6th. 7th and 8th grade string players will perform in the commons at 9:30AM.  Concert dress is required for this special day but students may change  right after!  


Spanish:  7th graders will have a QUIZ over Ser vs. Estar:  7D on Wednesday, 7E on Thursday, 7F on Friday.


8th Grade News



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Bible:  Huttenga: It's been a while since we've had a typical Bible class! This week, we will be returning to our study of the growth of the early church, specifically focusing on the dispute between Paul and the Judaizers (Salvation by Faith vs. Salvation by Works). I will also be assigning a sermon evaluation project at the beginning of the week. Stay tuned for details. 


Geometry: We have finished our unit on similarity and proportions and are starting to work with trigonometric ratios in order to find missing sides and angles of right triangles.


History:  Our year continues with the study of the United States after the Reconstruction and before World War I.  


Language arts: Book of Memories ch 4 is due on Monday; ch 5 is due on May 6.

This week we began a new unit: the study of The Diary of Anne Frank (a play). Today we began building some context for the play by reading about the Holocaust, which we will continue on Monday.


PE:  The students will be taking their badminton test this upcoming week on Tuesday, April 29.  The review sheet has been posted on moodle for the students to study from.  


Orchestra:    Grand Friend's Day is this Friday- May 2 and 6th, 7th and 8th grade string groups will perform in the Commons at 9:30 AM  .  Concert dress is required for this( Black and White-- Black socks and Black shoes!!!   Thanks for paying attention to all of the details!


Spanish:  8th graders will be finishing up their memory work (the Lord's Prayer in Spanish) on Monday, and have a TEST on Unit 10 on Friday.  Resources for study are posted on Moodle.




For all up to date athletic information for 5th-8th grade athletics please click on the link below. 


Softball, and Soccer schedules have been emailed out to each team.  If you did not receive an email from Mrs. Van Duyn please contact her.  Schedules have also been posted on the main athletic calendar and in an agenda form under each sport team.      

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7th Grade News
8th Grade News
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