Monday, December 1, 2014

MSM 12.1.14

Middle School Matters

December 1, 2014

General Announcements
Christmas Concert: The Middle School Christmas Concert is Thursday, Dec. 11 at ACS at 7:00 p.m.  Call time is 6:30.  All ACS students are in this concert and should attend wearing white and black, including dark colored shoes and socks.  We are excited to share our Christmas Music with you!  ACS will also be streaming this year's Concert live for those who are unable to attend.  Please understand that the video stream will be a large group shot without any production editing like zoom and pan.  We will begin streaming at 7pm.

    6th Grade News

    Band:  The Ada Christmas Parade is this Saturday, Dec. 6 in Ada.  This is a great extra credit opportunity!  Come wearing festive gear, ready to share Christmas music with the Ada Community! Arrive at the float at 10:30.  We step off at 11, and are done by 11:30ish at the Ada Fire Station.  Our Christmas concert is Thursday, Dec. 11 here at ACS at 7:00 p.m.

    Bible:  Philippians 2: 1-6 due on Wednesday.  Everyone should be working on their Bible Cube.  The final project is due Thursday, December 11.

    History:  Finishing our Landforms Flashcards.  Matching quiz on all landforms next Tuesday, December 9.

    Language arts:  This week students will complete their characterization projects.  They should have their poems, diary entry, and portrait completed by Tuesday, Dec. 1.  We will display these items creatively on a poster.  The entire poster project must be completed by Wednesday, December 2.  We hope to begin our book trailers this week as well.   As you shop for Christmas, remember books make great gifts/stocking stuffers!  

    Math (Kiser): We are continuing our work with Fractions this week.  Specifically will be Multiplying and Dividing with various Fractions.

    PE: We are beginning our basketball unit this week. Students will be practicing their skills and using them in game play. There is a basketball review sheet posted on Moodle.

    Orchestra:  Our Middle School Christmas concert is here at Ada Christian on Thursday December 11th and the 6th grade strings are performing !   

    Science: We're studying gas laws this week.

    Spanish:   6A will have a quiz over pronouns and the verb SER on Thursday (Dec. 4); 6B and 6C will have theirs on Friday (December 5.)

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  We are continuing to learn about writing linear equations.

    Band:  The Ada Christmas Parade is this Saturday, Dec. 6 in Ada.  This is a great extra credit opportunity!  Come wearing festive gear, ready to share Christmas music with the Ada Community! Arrive at the float at 10:30.  We step off at 11, and are done by 11:30ish at the Ada Fire Station.  Our Christmas concert is Thursday, Dec. 11 here at ACS at 7:00 p.m.  Great work on Solos last week - - ALL received an A.  Well done!  :)
    Bible: We're studying prophets during this Advent season.

    History:  This week in history we will continue our look at the history of China, Japan, Korea, and SE Asia.  We will specifically look at some important events from the 20th century including the Communist Revolution, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.  

    Language arts: We're finishing up Ellen Raskin's mystery novel The Westing Game. We will be having a test on the book Tuesday, December 9. A Review guide is available on Moodle.
    Students may also begin working on their third one-pager book report, which will be due one week after we return from Christmas break (hint: read ahead!).
        After we finish with The Westing Game, we will close out 2014 with a study of Charles Dickens' holiday classic, A Christmas Carol.

    PE: We are beginning our basketball unit this week. Students will be practicing their skills and using them in game play. There is a basketball review sheet posted on Moodle.

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Proportions are our focus for the next couple days. We will have a test Wednesday or Thursday next week (12.10 or 12.11).

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We're beginning chapter 5. This chapter focuses on points, lines, planes & angles.

    Orchestra:  Great work on solos/ small groups and the 7th grade ensemble - almost all  received an A!  Two dates to put on your calendar-- Middle School Christmas concert is Thursday December 11- here at Ada Christian- call time will be 6:20 - to tune!
    The next BIG EVENT- will be performing in concert with the Moxie Strings and Grand Rapids Christian High orchestras - on February 26th!

    Science: At present we are studying insects.  We are raising Cabbage White Butterflies from egg back to egg and are studying bees, wasps, and hornets at the same time.

    Spanish:  We will be combining many grammar components to work on translations this week using their current vocabulary, articles, noun/adjective placement, masculine/feminine, and prepositions.  They will be stretching (and growing)!

    8th Grade News

    DESSERT THEATRE BEGINS:  We have amazingly talented students (and SO MANY of them!) and Mrs. Van Noord and I can't wait to get started on Mulan, Jr.  Our first rehearsal -- a FULL CAST read-through/sing-through -- will be on Wednesday, December 3, from 3 - 4:30.  Please send an extra snack and we'll let them eat something before we begin.  From this point forward, rehearsals will be posted on the ACS Dessert Theatre website:

    8th Grade Yearbook Pictures:  If you would like to submit a "professional photograph" of your 8th grader for the yearbook, please remember to email Mr. Witte with a digital copy before Christmas Break.  Thanks.

    8th Grade Baby Pictures:  In a similar request, I am also starting to collect baby pictures for each 8th grader to be used in the yearbook and during graduation.  You may either send me a digital copy or a regular picture.  Please put your name on the back of the picture so I can safely return the picture later this winter.  I would also love to have these pictures by Christmas Break, too.  Thanks, Mr. Witte.

    Babysitting Fundraiser Night:  Mark your calendars!  On Friday, Dec. 12, the 8th grade class will be hosting a night of babysitting here at school.  The babysitting will be a fundraiser for our class trip.  We would love to have many of the 8th graders plan on volunteering that evening.  This event will start at 5:30 pm and go until 9:00 pm.  More details to come.

    Algebra (8th):  Working on chapter 5 which is on writing linear equations and will have a quiz on Tuesday (12/2) and a test on Friday (12/5)

    Algebra (Holtrop): We continue to work on chapter 5. There will be a quiz tomorrow!

    Band:  The Ada Christmas Parade is this Saturday, Dec. 6 in Ada.  This is a great extra credit opportunity!  Come wearing festive gear, ready to share Christmas music with the Ada Community! Arrive at the float at 10:30.  We step off at 11, and are done by 11:30ish at the Ada Fire Station.  Our Christmas concert is Thursday, Dec. 11 here at ACS at 7:00 p.m.  Great job on festival music - - well done!  All received an A for their wonderful work.  

    Bible: We have finished up our study of the different characteristics of Jesus. Students have been working on booklets discussing these different characteristics of Jesus and what they mean to them. The Who is Jesus? Project will be due this Friday, December 5. We are now taking a close look at the early ministry of Jesus.

    Geometry: We are working on quadrilaterals and will have a quiz on chapter 6 on December 3 and the test on December 9-10.

    History:  This week in history we will be focusing on the presidency of Thomas Jefferson.  We will be learning about the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, land struggles with Native Americans, and the War of 1812.  

    Language arts: Students can expect to have the third drafts of their NHD essays returned to them this Wednesday. After receiving this, it is essential that students hold on to them, as they will be required to turn it in with the final draft which is due on December 15. More details on the project to come in a more detailed email.
        As revision occurs students will also be exploring literary themes through the study of some short stories. These stories will prepare them for a more intense study of novels in 2015 that will focus on:
    1. Identity: how does a student define his/her self, and what agency do they have in the world?
    2. Community: How does a student take the unique gifts and traits of their identity and use them to make an effective impact on God's world?
    By exploring these themes intensely during the second half of the year, students will gain a better understanding of our school's theme of discipleship.

    PE: We are beginning our basketball unit this week. Students will be practicing their skills and using them in game play. There is a basketball review sheet posted on Moodle.

    Orchestra:  Great job on orchestra festival --ALL solos and groups received A's and the 8th grade ensemble was amazing- --( words from the judge!)  Next concert is Middle School Christmas concert- December 11-

    Followed by performing in Concert with the Moxie Strings and the Grand Rapids Christian High orchestras-- on February 26th - at Center for ARts and Worship.

    Science: We have finished our study of plate tectonics and have just begun studying volcanoes.

    Spanish:  8th graders wrote down in Spanish some chores they were planning to do.  Well, this week, they will bring home a yellow paper with that same list, along with statements of whether or not they actually completed them!  These are to be signed and returned as part of their assignment, after they translate what the sentences mean for you.  :)

    Ada Christian School

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    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
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