Monday, November 24, 2014

MSM 11.21.14

Middle School Matters

November 21, 2014

General Announcements

    6th Grade News

    Art: All 6th grade class are working on portraits.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments

    Band:  Solo and Ensemble was moved to Tuesday, Nov. 25.  We are also working on music for our Christmas Program which will be Dec. 11 at ACS at 7:00 p.m. Students need to wear white on top and black on the bottom for this concert.

    Bible:  Bible memory Philippians 2:1-4 due on Tuesday.  Working on Bible Cube that is due December 11.

    History:  Continuing our study of the amazing landforms in God's creation.

    Language arts:  Students are working on a characterization project in which they write a poem and a diary entry from the perspective of a character from Tuck Everlasting.  Poems are due on Monday, November 24.  These poems must be typed and include 5-6 pictures with URLs.  We will also review prefixes.  

    Math (Kiser): Next week Monday and Tuesday students will be using their faction and decimal skills to create a Thanksgiving Catering Menu.

    PE: We have wrapped up our Floor Hockey unit and are having a lot of fun playing Broomball!

    Orchestra:  6th graders missed a playing quiz on Tuesday( due to snow)   so we will attempt the same this coming Monday  November 24th and finish on Tuesday!  

    Science: We will be studying gas laws and also developing our scientific writing skills.

    Spanish:   6A and 6B have an assignment (Quia #2 SER) due Tuesday (even though 6B won't have class due to Chapel) and 6C will have the same assignment due on Wednesday after Thanksgiving.

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th): I was so pleased with how everyone did on their test! Keep up the great work! In class we will be studying how to write linear equations using two points and how to use standard form equations.

    Art: In class we have begun work on a project dealing with negative and positive space where student have been doing some thinking on how technology affects their life and then been given the problem to solve of if they we designing a robot what would it look like.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments  

    Band:  Solo and Ensemble has been moved to Tuesday, Nov. 25.  Two student times were changed - they know who they are.

    Bible:  We'll be studying prophets this advent season.

    History:  This week we worked on creating a short keynote on some famous landmarks in China.  These keynote projects are due on Monday.  Next week we will start looking at the history of East Asia.

    Language arts: Now that we have completed the Westing Game simulation, we will be discovering what else was going on behind the scenes; the mystery continues as we actually read The Westing Game.

    PE: We have wrapped up our Floor Hockey unit and are having a lot of fun playing Broomball!

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson):  Chapter 4 test on Monday.

    Orchestra:   The Solo/ Ensemble  festival for all STRING players will be held MONDAY- November 24th.  We will stick  to the same time spots!  We all get another weekend to PRACTICE!!!!

    8th Grade News

    8th Grade Yearbook Pictures:  If you would like to submit a "professional photograph" of your 8th grader for the yearbook, please remember to email Mr. Witte with a digital copy before Christmas Break.  Thanks.

    *NEW*  8th Grade Baby Pictures:  In a similar request, I am also starting to collect baby pictures for each 8th grader to be used in the yearbook and during graduation.  You may either send me a digital copy or a regular picture.  Please put your name on the back of the picture so I can safely return the picture later this winter.  I would also love to have these pictures by Christmas Break, too.  Thanks, Mr. Witte.

    *NEW*  Babysitting Fundraiser Night:  Mark your calendars!  On Friday, Dec. 12, the 8th grade class will be hosting a night of babysitting here at school.  The babysitting will be a fundraiser for our class trip.  We would love to have many of the 8th graders plan on volunteering that evening.  This event will start at 5:30 pm and go until 9:00 pm.  More details to come.

    Algebra (Holtrop): We just finished chapter 4 and will be starting chapter 5 next week and we will be learning about how to write linear equations.

    Art:  8f and 8d have their calligraphy projects due on TUESDAY.  8E will be do the following Friday.  Next up in class a project tying together the work of minimalist Frank Stella and a family portrait.  Please check moodle for sketchbook homework.   

    Band:  Band Festival has been moved due to snow to Tuesday, Nov. 25. We are also working on Christmas Concert numbers.

    Bible:  We will be finishing up our study of the different names and characteristics of Jesus described in the Gospels. Students will begin an inclass project connecting what those names of Jesus mean to their own lives.

    Geometry: We have finished Chapter 5 and are working on quadrilaterals.  The Chapter 6 quiz and test will be after Thanksgiving break.

    History:  Next week in U.S. History we will begin looking at the presidency of Thomas Jefferson and the journey of Lewis and Clark.

    Language arts: We are closing our unit on The Pearl, by John Steinbeck. On Monday, a small assignment is due; we will also be playing a game to review for the "quest" on the novel (on Tuesday).

    PE: We have wrapped up our Floor Hockey unit and are having a lot of fun playing Broomball!

    Orchestra:  The STRING solo/ ensemble festival will be held this coming MONDAY- November 24th!  Same times- so remember to wear your concert attire and you may change at 1:10PM.  Another weekend to PRACTICE!

    Ada Christian School

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    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
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