Sunday, March 15, 2015

Middle School Matters 3/13/15



Middle School Matters


March 13, 2015
General Announcements

ACS Faith Strong Service Team:  All 3rd - 8th grade students are invited to join our Service Team this coming spring.  Click this link to learn more about this Faith Strong club and to print off the registration form.  Registration is due by Friday, March 27.


    5th Grade News


    Art:  Wow, the results that are starting to appear on the Seurat project are great.  The plan for next week is to take a break from this project and work on glazing our ceramic coil pots.  

    Band: We are now on page 29, making great progress. Practice is critical!  What a great bunch of musicians!

    Bible: We continue to study, ask questions and reflect on Jesus' life.  There has been much reading, writing, illustrating and acting; but more importantly, we're hopeful for what the 5th graders are able to carry on in their hearts.  

    Language arts: The culmination of our biography research will be the Wax Museum on Friday, March 27.  The 5th graders will prepare a 2-3 minute first-person speech on their historical figure, come with a simple costume and prop and share their story with their classmates. We are also working our way through the novel Bridge to Terabithia, with a strong focus on Jesse's character development.

    Math: Ms. Boekeloo has taken over the reins in math with an awesome hands-on geometry unit.  The 5th graders are becoming experts on the characteristics of polygons, measuring angles and finding area and volume in various figures.

    PE: We have had a blast learning how to play Eclipse Ball this week! We will continue playing next week and will also learn how to play Eclipse Ball Jr.

    Orchestra:  We had to postpone our concert for preschool classes to have an orchestra yearbook photo .  Next Tuesday- March 17th- we will have full orchestra for the concert!

    Be sure to have all violins . violas and cello players bring in instruments and music for TUESDAY- March 17th .  

    Science: The 5th graders have chosen two projects off of a list that was given to them last week to work on at home (trajectory, egg tower, anti-gravitational device, egg drop, bottle rockets, etc.).  We will be testing them at school on the Wednesday and Thursday before Spring Break, April 1 & 2.   

    Social Studies: We are studying the Civil War.

    Spanish:  We are learning items of clothing in Spanish.


    6th Grade News

    Art: All 6th grade classes are well embarked on using the watercolor experiment painting to fill in the color on our landscape drawings.  These project have about 3 more weeks of work left on them.  Please check the homework calendar for assignments.  

    Band:  Great celebration this past week - we completely finished book one, and began book 2.  YAY!  :) Great work.  Practice needs to continue at home.  Thanks for encouraging them, and for sending such great food for the party, wow!

    Bible:  Students are doing a great job learning about the 10 Commandments.  The devotions journals we are doing in class are great reflections on how to apply it to our lives.  Bible Memory this week Wednesday - Commandments 1-8.  We are also continuing our study of Jacob and Joseph.

    History:  Congratulations Plyos for winning the Ancient Greek Olympic Games!  We will begin a new unit studying Ancient Rome next week.  Students will need headphones or earbuds in class for the next few weeks!

    Language arts:  SAVE THE DATE:  APRIL 23 (6:30 -7:30).  We have been working so hard on this World Fair Project that we want to share it with everyone on Thursday, April 23.  Please make sure that your child can participate in this event.

    The Land/Climate paragraph (Final) as well as Portfolio Cover Page are due on Monday, March 16.  We we will be working through the writing process again for paragraph #2 on the people of our country (due Thursday, March 19).

    Math: What goes in effects what comes out. Functions will be our topic of study for the next couple weeks.  We will also be looking at inequalities.

    PE: We are in the middle of our volleyball unit. We have been practicing our serving, passing and setting skills. Next week we will work on hitting and blocking. We are putting our skills to the test in fun game play!

    Orchestra: We are still working toward song 100  in our books.

    Science: We've been working to become more organized and independent in our skills as scientists who use the Scientific Method to investigate God's world.  The focus of our study is speed and motion.

    Spanish:   Next week we begin our new unit on FAMILY.  We will be using all the tools and vocabulary learned so far this year and building on it while applying to our families. 



    7th Grade News

    Dessert Theater: Thank you for signing up to help with dessert theater!  If you have questions or if you are available to help and haven't signed up, please contact Ms. Sanderson.  Details will be communicated to those who have signed up early next week.

    Algebra (7th):  We are moving on to Chapter 10! Before we do that, we will spend the first part of the week reviewing chapters 1-9. For the remainder of the week we will be learning about polynomials and factoring. They have worked so hard throughout this course and now we're hitting the home stretch!

    Art: In class we continue working on drawing birds using drawing pencils and tools.  Please check homework calendar for assignments.  

    Band:  Dessert Theatre is just around the corner.  We have most of our music ready.  Band students will play first during dessert (Mrs. VN has to leave to go be with the cast of Mulan).

    All band numbers will be done by 6:25 each night.

    Bible: Students have been working with Mr. Pruiett, our student teacher from Moody Bible Institute.  They will continue to work through The Feasts of the Lord with Mr. Pruiett in this coming week.

    PE: We had a blast playing Eclipse Ball and Eclipse Ball Jr. this week! Next week we will focus on fitness. There will be a few fitness tests given to help student evaluate their own fitness levels.

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Linear functions will be our topic of study for the next couple weeks.

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): A test on probability is coming on Thursday (3/19).  Looking through the "Guided Practice" questions and examples from each lesson would be a great study method.

    Orchestra:   Continuing our work on tricky parts of Pirates, Fantasia , and Small overture.  Learn our 2 new pieces- Rondeau and Ships of Ireland.

    Science: Continuing our study of birds.  This week we will start dissecting a pigeon.

    Spanish:  We continue to learn those verbs!  We have learned how to conjugate all regular -AR, -ER, and -IR ending verbs, and are using them in practice.


    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:  Only two more weeks!  Next Friday, the 20th, is our in-school rehearsal.  This is a VERY important opportunity for costumes and makeup to be finalized for each student, for working with sets and props, and for making sure lights and sound pick everyone up.  There is much happening during the day, so we usually DO still need to rehearse after school and will continue this tradition this year.  Website link:

    Algebra (8th):  Working on chapter 10 which focuses on polynomials

    Algebra (Holtrop): We will be working through the second half of chapter 9 about quadratic equations. I will be posting tutorials on Moodle to help with homework. It's a chapter that includes a lot of steps so please encourage your student to show all of their work!

    Art: Both 8d and 8f students need to have their ceramic pots built and drying by the end of class on Tuesday.  8e will have some extra time to complete work on their ceramic pots. Please check the homework calendar for assignment due dates.  

    Band:  We are working on some great pieces.  It is very fun to hear them play.

    Bible:  We have been discussing the start of Christian Persecution through the story of Stephen. Students have also been assigned a country to research the type of Christian Persecution that is happening there today (truly eye-opening for us). Informational brochures on the assigned country were due today. Next week we look forward to studying Paul's life along with his conversion and ministry.

    Geometry: We have finished our unit on three-dimensional figures and will be starting unit 11.  This unit will focus on justifications using the formulas of coordinate geometry.

    Don't forget to celebrate the Pi Day of the century on Saturday!

    PE: We had a blast playing Eclipse Ball and Eclipse Ball Jr. this week! Next week we will focus on fitness. There will be a few fitness tests given to help student evaluate their own fitness levels.

    Orchestra:  Focus on notes and counting in the 2 newest pieces- Ships of Ireland and Rondeau.

    Science: Continuing our study of stars.  This week we will focus on the different types and their life cycle.

    Spanish:  Spanish TEST on the breakfast vocabulary, verbs tomar, quere and preferir, and possessive adjectives.  8E and 8F test on Tuesday; 8D on Wednesday.  There is a review sheet on Moodle with the verbs and possessives, and vocabulary flashcards.




    2015-16 Grand Rapids Christian JV Hockey Tryouts. 7th & 8th Graders Welcome!Thursday, 4/16/15 7:00PM-8:00PM Friday, 4/17/15 7:00PM-8:00PM Griff's Ice House Contact Gregg Betz with any questions wk:616-453-4429

    5-8 Athletics:


    Thank you to everyone who has signed their son/daughter up for spring sports.  If you have any questions please contact


    5th and 6th grade:  Carly Prins

    7th and 8th grade:  Angela Van Duyn


    Please turn in winter basketball uniforms.  Uniforms can be turned into Angela Van Duyn in the front office or your son/daughter may bring them to Carly Prins during PE class.


    Below is the "rainout link" that you can click on to sign-up for text messages or emails that will go directly to you when there is a game cancellation thru the GRACEAC league due to weather.  Otherwise you can always call the cancellation hotline, which will run thru the end of basketball season.  Both links are also posted on the 5-8 Athletic Website.


    Coed Tennis (grades 7-8) - Practices will be M-Th at the Gainey Athletic Complex on East Paris from 6-7:30pm beginning March 17 (weather permitting).  Practice days will be adjusted once matches begin. Matches will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning April 15. The $35 fee (payable to GRCHS Tennis) includes uniform top.  Please contact varsity tennis coach, Tim Morey ( for more information regarding the middle school tennis program. Signup deadline is March 13.

    Coed Tennis (grades 5-6) - The Junior Eagles tennis program will meet twice a week for instruction from GR Christian High School coaches and players. Clinic days are M and Th at the Gainey Athletic Complex on East Paris from 6-7:30pm beginning March 17 (weather permitting) through May 15. The $35 fee (payable to GRCHS Tennis) includes a t-shirt. Please contact varsity tennis coach, Tim Morey ( for more information regarding the middle school tennis program. Signup deadline is March 13.


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.

    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    5th Grade News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
    Quick Links
    Homework Calendars
    *To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."
    Student Grades
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    School Newsletter


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