Algebra (Holtrop): Homestretch! We will be wrapping up key concepts from chapter 12 and reviewing for the exam. Encourage them to keep working hard!
Art: In class students will be working on completing their Chihuly projects and space invader project. Next week artwork from 7th and 8th grade will be coming home in a grocery please make sure to ask you student for the artwork. Please check the homework calendar for due dates.
Bible: We are wrapping up our study of Apologetics and our reading of The Case for Christ. Our hope is that students feel comfortable sharing and defending their faith as they go out into the world as disciples for Christ! There is also a study sheet for the Bible exam on Google Classroom so that students can prepare for the exam next week.
Geometry: We are finishing our last unit on circles. The assessment on that unit will be on Tuesday, May 19th. The students will be working on packets of exam review questions and the exam will be on Tuesday, May 26th.
Orchestra: Monday we will find and turn in ALL sheet music and books . We will focus on some sight reading. You played beautifully at the Middle school concert!
Science: Our last topic of study before exams is tides.
Spanish: Trip to authentic Mexican restaurant is May 26 - We need a couple parents to eat with us! If you like REAL Mexican food, this field trip is for you. Your student has received a permission slip which has the details and a place to indicate if you are interested in joining us.
A "Cumulative Test" will be given to 8th graders this week: 8E and 8F on Tuesday (19th) and 8D on Wednesday (20th). Clicking on the post in the homework calendar will give details.
Spanish Advanced Placement News: ''Cram" session will be Wednesday, June 3, from 1 - 3 p.m. Anyone planning/wanting to enter Spanish II as a freshman is welcome to attend. An opportunity to take the GRCHS placement test will be given on Friday morning (June 5th) from 9 a.m. - 12 noon (test only takes about 1 ½ hours on average.)
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