General Announcements: Study Skills: Communicating with the teacher.
Conferences: Tuesday night, 4:30-7:30 in the commons with all Middle School teachers.
Dessert Theatre: * How can you be involved? First, check the website for some ideas! * There is a lot of interest in the Audition Workshop which will be coming up early November. Information about this will be posted on that website also, as soon as it is available.
Sixth Grade:
Art: 6th graders are working on showing how they see God in their lives. 6th graders will work on tracing and adding color to these artworks in the next weeks. Check moodle for homework.
Band: We had a quiz on American Patrol this week. Many students decided to take the quiz early! FAQ: My September minutes were really low. May I make the time up in October? Answer: YES! :) Go for it!
Bible: Excellent job on the Books of the Old Testament. Maybe you can ask your child to sing for you! (: Bible Project was explained and sent home on Friday, October 18. Will be completed at school over the next few school days.
History: Summary paragraphs and posters are due on today, Monday. Beginning a new unit on all the amazing different types of landforms that God has created.
Language arts: The students did an excellent job on their quiz on Thursday. I will send home the quizzes on today, Monday. Please review, sign, and return the quiz by Wednesday. Students will have a spelling assignment due on Wednesday. The spelling words consist of your student's MY WORDS (individual spelling lists). In addition, we continue to read and enjoy the book Tuck Everlasting.
Math: Students are doing a wonderful job wrestling with the application of fractions, decimals and percents. We will continue estimating percents and will practice finding the percent of a given dollar amount. If an item is on sale for 30% off, we will estimate and calculate savings and final price.
PE: This week in PE we will continue to work thru our basketball unit. Specifically, we will focus on learning offense and defense.
Science: This week we will continue to develop our understanding of properties of matter.
Spanish: We watched their iMovie videos on Friday. What a great job they did! Besides using the language well, they were very creative and entertaining. We have begun learning the Spanish alphabet and will continue to work on pronunciation and spelling in Spanish. Maybe you will hear them singing the "ABC March" song this week.
Seventh Grade:
Art: In class 7th graders are engaged in working a sculpture project. Some class will transition to the next project soon. Project due dates and sketchbook homework will be posted on moodle.
Band: We are working away at our solos for judges which we will play on November 19. Piano players have been coming in to work with us, and we are seeing lots of improvement. GO TEAM! :) Way to work hard!
Bible: Sanderson: We have launched a discussion about prayer in our section affectionately known as "2D" since we learned that every single person in our class (including Ms. Sanderson) had Mrs. DeKoster as a 2nd grade teacher. We've looked at some familiar "pray-ers" in the Bible and are continuing to dive into some pretty cool conversations about what prayer is, why we do it, how we do it...etc.
Van Noord: Isaiah/The Messiah have been the focus this week. Next up: Daniel. Great work on the Isaiah summaries, and excellent LAP journals have come in.
Wanner: We have a test on Tuesday over 1 and 2 Samuel all the review materials have been handed out, filled in and now students need to study. Please remind your student to complete the take home essay for Tuesday as well. Tuesday we will also have a Bible memory quiz on Roman 12: 9 - 12.
History: This coming week we will start wrapping up our study of South Asia. We will look at some of unique issues that come from over population. Later in the week we will start reviewing for a South Asia quiz/test for the week after the Teachers' Convention.
Science: Nature study test is broken into two parts: part one is taking place on October 29 and part two is taking place on October 30.
Language arts: We are now concluding our unit on short stories. The quiz on the unit was originally posted for Tuesday, and moved to Wednesday. However, due to many other tests and quizzes this coming week, the short story quiz will be moved back and be taken after Teacher Conventions. In the meantime, we will begin a unit on parts of speech, with a special emphasis on prepositions.
PE: This week in PE we will be starting our basketball unit. We will spend time reviewing correct shooting form along with offense and defense.
Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We will take a test on chapter 3 (operations with rational numbers) on Wednesday.
Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We have taken a few days to review common fractions, decimals and percents and to review how to convert between the three different forms. Our wrap-up test for chapter 3 is scheduled for Tuesday.
7th/8th Algebra: Chapter 3 test on October 29
Spanish: 7F has a QUIZ on today, Monday (the only day I will see them next week.) 7E and 7D have a TEST next week (Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively). There is a practice test for them online, as well as the flashcards and other resources on Moodle.
Eighth Grade:
Algebra: Witte: This week we will continue to work on solving equations. The equations will quickly get a little more interesting as we use both of the ideas of the distributive property and combining like terms. I will pass back the results of chapter 2 test take 2 on today, Monday.
Science: Starting our study of rocks--igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary
7th/8th Algebra: chapter 3 test on October 29
Art: Both 8th grades are working with calligraphy and how to create an approrite image for a selected text passage. Please check moodle for sketchbook homework.
Band: We are working on a Karl King march called Rough Riders and a number of other pieces for competition on Nov. 19 when we will play for judges. We also are playing scales and working on fundamentals.
Bible: Witte: Next week we will have a short week where we will finish two stories and then start looking at wrapping up Unit 2. The Bible memory that was originally due this week has been postponed till further notice--we kind of forgot to practice that in class this week. Huttenga: We continue studying the first missions of Paul and Barnabas. Two projects (one short-term and one medium-term) will be introduced next week: A sermon review, and video project based on the adventurous life of Paul in the New Testament.
Geometry: This week we worked on the vocabulary of angles. We will have a quiz on the first part of Chapter 3 on Oct. 17th and the chapter test on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd.
History: Beginning the study of the Constitution, so all of your children have been enrolled in DeWeerd Law School for the next few weeks. Hopefully they will all pass the bar exam at the end of this unit!
Language arts: The first draft of the NHD papers have been completed and submitted! Congratulations 8th graders! With this milestone accomplished, we are now focusing on a multi-stage revision unit. Over the weekend, students will be examining their drafts and studying the notes and suggestions that they received from their classmates during our peer review. ***Parents*** Today, your student will be bringing you two things: a form that is titled "NHD Parent Review", and another titled "NHD Rubric". The rubric is simply to serve as a reference for you and your student as their progress on the essay continues. I am requesting that the "Parent Review" form be completed and turned in by Wednesday (Oct. 23), along with a draft of your son's/daughter's paper that has edited in pen/pencil by a parent. All the instructions for revision are included on the form, but please contact me with any further questions or clarifications.
PE: This week in PE we will continue to work thru our basketball unit. Students will spend time playing 5 on 5 games while also reviewing the rules related to basketball.
Spanish: All 8th graders have a BLUE sheet which they are to explain to you and have you sign (it's about chores they said they would do over the past couple weeks, and whether or not they did them. You just need to sign to verify. :) ALSO, they may begin working on their take-home TEST which is outlined on Moodle (due November 1).
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