Friday, November 1, 2013

Middle School Matters 11/1/13

Middle School Matters

Theme: "Centered On Christ"
November 1, 2013
   for the week of November 4

General Announcements:

Study Skills: Strategies to read for meaning in the content area

"ADHD and Your Child":Delve into the symptoms and treatments of ADHD in this free seminar with Doug Bouman Psy.S. and Robert Bulten, M.D. on Thursday, November 7 from 7-9pm at CLC Network.    Click Here to Register 

Dessert Theatre:  Interested in helping with costumes or props?  We need you!  Please contact Mrs. Weaver for more information.

Audition and Audition Workshop information now available at the website 

Sixth Grade:

Band:  We have some new Christmas music to practice, and also some students are working on solos for solo and ensemble (extra credit opportunity November 19).  Practice records for October are due next week - - 240 minutes is an A.  :)  

Bible:  The Bible Brochure - should be printed in black and white and ready to edit on Monday.  (They will have time to print at the beginning of class.)  Student received a checklist this week to make sure they have all the parts of the brochure.  We will edit them together in class, correct them, and then print out our final versions at school.  New Bible memory Psalm 105:1-7 due November 15.

History:  We are working on creating landform flashcards this coming week.  Quiz on these landforms will happen the next week.  

Language arts: We will finish reading Tuck Everlasting earlynext week. There will be a short QUIZ on the CHARACTERS of this story on Thursday, November 7.  This quiz will also include a matching section on PREFIXES that we have been studying in class.  EXTRA CREDIT: Students will receive "The Road Not Taken" poem by Robert Frost. Students can complete a fill-in-blank quiz on Thursday, November 14 for extra credit.     

Math: We have a test on Monday covering fractions, decimals and percents.  We have been working through a purple study guide for the last week.  Next up, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with decimal numbers.  

Orchestra: This week we worked in 3 small groups and then each group performed for the  entire orchestra. We worked on 2 new songs and will  focus next week on perfect intonation and dynamics!

Science: Broadening our study of matter & density.  Also specifically touching on the scientific method.

Spanish: Both 6A and 6B will have a QUIZ on the alphabet this coming Friday.

Seventh Grade:

Band:  Assignment for the weekend: Play your solo for a parent.  Mrs. VN will send an email to parents to make sure that the solo was performed sometime this weekend. The date we play for judges is November 19.  GO TEAM!  Practice records for October are due next week - - 240 minutes is an A.  :)  

Bible:  Van Noord:  All Daniel work was due today.  We read stories and shared projects with younger ACS students today.  

Sanderson: We're diving in to the Old Testament, even the parts that aren't as familiar to us and contemplating the importance and meaning in all of Scripture.  Students have a number of assignments to finish up in the coming week.  We are working toward those due dates in class.

History:  This coming week we will begin a study on East and Southeast Asia.  We will start by looking at the geography of the region and how that impacts life in this region.  We will prepare for a short quiz on Friday that focuses on identifying key rivers, bodies of waters, and landforms in East and Southeast Asia.  

Language arts: We spent much of this week working with prepositions; we put our knowledge to the test by going on a preposition scavenger hunt, which was completed today. Today, we also started a new novel: "The Westing Game". This is a captivating, quirky, often funny tale of mystery; a classic whodunit scenario. Next week, we will begin keeping a list of suspects. This list will help us practice our powers of description -- as well as keep track of clues to who the perpetrator might be.

Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We will continue our study of powers and roots.  Encourage your student to slow down, show their steps, and think "does my answer make sense?"

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We worked with negative exponents and multiplying monomials this past week. This next week we will work with square and cube roots as well as irrational numbers. Our test over roots and powers is scheduled for Monday, November 11.

Orchestra: Wow, there are some great solos and ensembles happening here with the piano.  All groups are making  excellent progress.

Spanish:  7F has a TEST on Friday, November 8.  7D and 7E are moving into the kitchen and learning new vocabulary how to conjugate verbs.

Eighth Grade:


8 Witte:  On Wednesday we will take our chapter 3 test on solving equations.  We will review on Monday and Tuesday before the test.  

Band:  We celebrated finishing book 2 today. Yum. Thanks so much for sending FOOD!  :)  We had a great time.  Next week we continue to refine our pieces for the judges on November 19. Charge!


Witte:  This Wednesday our 8W Bible class will be leading chapel.  We spent most of last week getting ready to lead this chapel.  The students have done a great job planning everything about the chapel from the theme, to the skits, and to the songs.  If you are interested in joining us, please come on Wednesday at 9:50 am.  

Huttenga: We are still studying Paul; most recently, his run-in with the Judaizers. Ask your student what their main disagreement is about. They should be able to tell you about the conflict between "Salvation by deeds" vs. "Salvation by faith/grace".

We are also preparing for a film festival based on Paul's life! Ask your student which event they are helping to bring to the big screen.

Geometry: We have begun a chapter on transformations. The chapter 4 test is planned for Thursday, November 7.

History:  Continuation of DeWeerd Law School study of the Constitution.  We are looking at the different parts of government, and how they work to check and balance each other.   Students will be asked to memorize the Preamble of the Constitution due Wednesday November 13.

Orchestra: This is a super group of string  players. Our songs for the 8th grade ensemble are making progress. Be sure to ask your son or  daughter for a mini concert! The big day is Tuesday, November 19!

Spanish:  We have completed our chore unit and will start getting into foods and some irregular verbs next week.  

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