Saturday, May 17, 2014

MSM 5/16/14

Middle School Matters
May 9, 2014

General AnnouncementsT
Laptop Turn-In:  As we are fast approaching the end of the school year, we have some details to share with you and your student about school laptops.  Please take time to read through the appropriate links below, which were also sent home as paper copies with your child.

6th Grade News

Preparing for Adolescence - Last week Friday your kids should have shared a letter and a book with you about a "mini-class" we will be doing next week. Instructions were in the letter of what you need to read with your child.  Here is a copy you misplaced the letter.  Please send the book back to school with your child on Monday.  We will be talking about it for part of the day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Craig's Cruisers Permission Slip and money due on Friday!  

Art: Both class will hopefully be painting their fired ceramic chicken within the week.  6d has a ceramic quiz next week Tuesday.  Please check the homework calendar for homework.  

Band:  Wonderful job on the concert!  Last thing to turn in for the year will be scale quizzes and the April practice record.  That is it!  

Bible:  Bible memory on Friday.  Continuing with our study of the book of Exodus.

History:  Learning about the Middle Ages and the countries of Europe.  This week Friday, May 23 we will have a quiz on 42 of the countries of Europe.  They received the list of countries this past week.   We will practice a lot a school, but some practice at home is encouraged.  Many links on Moodle to on-lines games to practice.  

Language arts: The students are really enjoying The Wednesday Wars.  We will continue reading next week.  There will be a short QUIZ on characters and vocabulary (25 terms) next Thursday, May 22.  

Math: We have learned so many amazing this year. Next week we will be completing a couple year end reviews to get a handle on how much we retained from this year.

PE: This week in PE we will start our softball unit.  Students will review throwing, catching, and fielding of ground balls.  

Orchestra: Thank you to my super 6th grade string players- you played so great Thursday night and it was such great fun to hear you perform. WOW -thanks to each of you for learning so much music!  We are going to turn ALL music in on Monday - bring everything into orchestra this Monday.

Science: We've wrapped up a unit on Energy.  We will do some reflecting on how we've grown and what we've learned this year and some more experimenting this week.

7th Grade News

Algebra 7/8:  We are presently working on chapter 12, the last chapter in the textbook!  Students have been given a study guide for the exam.  The exam is scheduled for May 29 and 30.

Art: 7th grader are working on completing their layers of life project with the final piece being the writing of an artist statement.  Additionally, students will be working on painting their fired ceramic birds.   Please check the homework calendar for homework.  

Band:  Wonderful job on the concert!  Last thing to turn in for the year will be scale quizzes and the April practice record.  That is it! We will be playing for some of the younger students at ACS before the year ends.  Very fun!

Sanderson: Students are researching one of the 7 Feasts appointed in Leviticus 23.  They will present their knowledge to their classmates this week.
Wanner - students are working on the king project.  Please check the homework calendar for due dates on the various pieces of the project.  
VN - You should have received an email link to our Isaiah Devotional for you to enjoy.  Currently we are working on up, Habakkuk.  Soon:  Ezekiel!

History:  We are studying life in the colonies.  We will continue our study of Chapter 4 next week.  There may be a possible quiz at the end of next week.

Language arts: The final drafts of the Paideia research paper are in and are being graded. Next week Friday, students will turn in their only drafts of the Paideia

PE:  This week in PE we will start our softball unit.  Students will review throwing, catching and fielding of ground balls.  

Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We're doing some review over tough topics we've covered so far this year.

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We're doing some review over tough topics we've covered so far this year.

Orchestra:  Thanks for a terrific concert ! You sounded great!  
Monday is turn in all of our music day and if time we will play through some of our favourite songs from this year and sight read some pieces for next year.

Science: Students are working on the rat dissection.  Please look over their keynote to make sure their grammar is correct.  We have rat dissection quiz over the anatomical terms Wednesday May 22.  The students have been given a study guide.

8th Grade News

Class Trip Info:  This past week we sent home information about the class trip.  Please send in the signed permission forms and the money by Monday.  Remember that we are meeting at school on Wednesday morning at 6:45 to get ready to board the bus.  Can't wait to see many of you early in the morning.  It is going to be a great trip!

Algebra 7/8:  We are presently working on chapter 12, the last chapter in the textbook!  Students have been given a study guide for the exam.  The exam is scheduled for May 29 and 30.

Algebra (Witte):  We will have one class on Monday where we will be wrapping up some lessons from Chapter 12.  When we return from the class trip we will begin reviewing for the exam.  The exam is on Thursday and Friday, May 29 and 30.  

Art: 8th grade students are working on completing their family shape project and then students will be working on creating a self-portrait out of wire.  

Band:  Wonderful job on the concert!  We will have band on Monday next week, then on Tuesday and Thursday the following week.  All school instruments need to be turned in by Thursday, May 29.  I have LOVED having your students in band, SO MUCH!  :)

Bible:  Because of the 8th grade class trip and the exam schedule, 8th grade students will not be having Bible class next week.

Geometry: We are finishing our last unit on circles, secants and tangents and will have a quiz on this material on Monday, May 19th.  We will have an exam review packet to work on in order to prepare for the Geometry exam which will be given on Thursday and Friday, May 29-30.

History:  FINAL EXAM MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 1ST HOUR.  Monday is the multiple choice section of the exam.  Use past tests and quizzes to review.  Tuesday is the essay portion of the exam.  Students have already received 10 essay questions that might be on the test.  They can prepare and study those ahead of time to get them ready for that part of the exam.

Language arts: Next week we will finish reading the Diary of Anne Frank. When we return to school after Memorial Day, we will wrap up our time in LA by doing a final project with the Book of Memories.

PE:  This week we will not have PE class due to the Spanish lunch and the 8th grade class trip.  

Orchestra:  This week we will have orchestra on Monday- and play some favourites from this year and turn in ALL of our music- so check all of the nooks and crannies to find missing music!  Many thanks to each of you for a wonderful Middle School Concert!  You are super string players!

Science: Our last unit of study is the Moon.  Our focus will be moon phases.


Fall sports sign-ups for 5th - 8th grade are now out.  Please click on the link below to sign your son up for boys soccer or your daughter up for girls volleyball.  You may also find the link by going to the ACS 5-8 Athletic page.  The sign-up deadline will be August 8.  Reminder, no late sign-ups will be accepted.

For all up to date athletic schedules and game results for 5th-8th grade athletics please click on the link below.
Ada Christian School
In This Issue
General News
6th Grade News
7th Grade News
8th Grade News
Quick Links
Homework Calendars

*To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."

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