Algebra (Boerkoel):
The textbooks have been passed out and there is also a digital version available to the students through Moodle. The students will have an assignment nearly every time they have class which will be graded the following class period.
Art: Sketchbooks are coming home and the first assignment is to create a cover. Please check the google calendar for due dates. The first project we are working is creating a artist chop or signature through the relief printmaking process.
Band: We begin with instruments on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Band meets 3 times per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am looking forward to a great musical year! Band is GREAT for the brain! We will know, grow and GO in band!
Bible: We are beginning the year diving into the gospels! We will be working in groups to learn about the background of each book to use as a foundation. We are also working on reflecting on Scripture through journals and SOAP.
Geometry: The Geometry students are off to a good start. We are beginning chapter one on the foundations of geometry using points, lines, and planes. There will be a short quiz on Thursday, Sept. 4th. Our unit notes will be in two-column form and will be kept in a 3-ring binder. Looking forward to a great year!
History: We are picking up our study of American History, from where we left off last spring, right at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Today we reminded ourselves of many of the reasons that led to war. Next week we will look at a few of the early events of the war including the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill. **I do want you to be aware that I gave students the option of having a textbook or using the digital copies of the textbook that I place on moodle. If your student would still like to get a book later in the year to use, or even just to keep at home till the end of the year, they can sign one out at any time.**4, i
Language arts: We will be launching into the notorious NHD project. Next week, we will focus on taking effective notes, gathering sources, citations, and the difference between primary and secondary sources. Lot's of time to research, and many info updates on the way.
-During the project, students will have many notes and other handouts that they will need to keep track of for several months. Students are required to have a separate 3 ring binder dedicated to NHD materials. I have 43 binders in my classroom that I can give out to students, and more are on the way. However, not every student may receive a binder immediately, and if you decide, it may be helpful just to buy a binder instead.
- In addition, we are looking to be traveling to the downtown public library on Sept 11. More information will follow in the coming week about this trip, but getting a library card for the trip (and for future researching) is highly encouraged.
PE: It has been wonderful meeting the 8th grade students! It is going to be a great year. Next week we will begin our frisbee unit. Students should be prepared to go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation!
Orchestra: Bring your instruments and books - every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this year- so 1rst day with instruments is next Tuesday- September 2! Ads always - feel free to call or e-mail me with any of your concerns or questions.
Science: We have begun the year review the proper way to do a lab write in testing the question: Do double stuff Oreos really have have double the stuffing
Spanish: We are doing an in-class project, "Qué lleva tu compañero?" in which students make a short iMovie saying and writing sentences about what their partners are wearing. Students may bring in costume pieces to embellish their wardrobe.
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