Tuesday, September 2, 2014

MSM 8/28/14

Middle School Matters

August 28, 2014

General Announcements
Parent Information Night: This coming Thursday, September 4, at 6:30 pm we will be holding our annual Middle School Parent Information Night.  This is a great way to hear and learn about all that happens in middle school this year.  Please plan on attending.  

7th and 8th Grade Laptop Contracts: 7th and 8th Grade Laptop Contracts need to be signed and returned to your child's homeroom teacher by Tuesday, Sept 2.  Those without a signed contract on Tuesday will not be able to take their computer home.

Spiritual Retreat Highlights: The Middle School Spiritual Retreat is coming on September 12!  We invite you to begin praying for God to move mightily throughout this special day.  Click here to access an informational letter and  permission slip that has been sent home.  Please be sure your student returns this form to their homeroom teacher by Friday, September 5.  Questions?  Please contact Heather Sanderson at hsanderson@adachristian.org.

Hot Lunch: If you wish to order hot lunch for September it is due on August 31st. Late orders cannot be accepted due to the system closing so make sure that yours is in!  Octobers order will be ready to go on September 1st.  Any questions please have them e-mail Sue Prins at sprins@adachristian.org.

ACS Clubs: We are very pleased to be offering a variety of Faith Strong Clubs this year. This fall, we have three choices. Click on the name of the club to see further information.

SERVICE CLUB for students in all grades.
DUATHLON: BIKING AND RUNNING for students in grades 5-8

Please note there are minimum and maximum numbers for each club and rosters will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. ACS Athletic commitments are to take precedent over Club activities. We try to avoid time conflicts, but it is not always possible. Siblings of students participating in a club activity may not remain at ACS unattended by a parent. See sign-up forms for details, fees and deadlines.  Have fun!

Calvin Opportunity: Calvin College offers a STEP program for 7th and 8th grade students -- Striving Toward Education Opportunities. During our S.T.E.P. program, students experience three days of college explorations as they live in the dorms, attend classes with college students and explore the necessary steps for college entry and future career directions. Students apply for acceptance to the STEP program, and will receive a letter after the application deadline regarding acceptance decisions. As part of their application, students will also be required to submit a recommendation from either a school professional or a church/community leader. The enrollment fee for the entire STEP weekend is $40 and is due upon acceptance to the program. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 2.

    6th Grade News

    6th Grade Laptop Boot Camp Information: Today your child was able to spend a few minutes using their school laptop. We spent a great amount of time running through expectations, common tips and tricks, computer set-up, Q & A, and also gave a few minutes for them to investigate.  Over the next couple weeks we have a purposeful outline to help teach the 6th grade students many important computer skills and programs. Tuesday your child(ren) will be coming home with the Laptop Guidebook for Students and Parents. Please have this signed and returned by Tuesday, September 9.

    Art:  Sketchbooks are coming home and the first assignment is to create a cover.  Please check the google calendar for due dates.  The first project that we are working on deals with pattern and showing visually how God's hand evident the artist life.  

    Band:  We begin with instruments on Tuesday, Sept. 2.  Band meets 3 times per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am looking forward to a great musical year! Band is GREAT for the brain!  We will know, grow and GO in band!

    Bible:  Bible memory sheets went home this week with a schedule for the year.  We will begin Bible this year with an overview of the whole Bible.  We will look at a timeline of events in the Bible, promises God has made and kept, and His faithfulness throughout time.

    History:  We spent a much of our time with our new computers this week learning how to care for them properly.  We will begin our studies with a look at the world God created, and why it is important to learn about the land and people around us.  

    Language arts:  We are off to a great start!  We are learning a lot about each other and our computers.  Next week we will begin using our computers to create Auto-Bio Poems.  Also, all students will need to bring an independent reading book to LA class next Tuesday (9/2).

    Math: Books have been pass out and next week in math we will begin by studying Ratios and Rates.  This skill of comparing parts will help us later this year when we work with percents and fractions.  

    PE: It has been wonderful meeting the 6th grade students! It is going to be a great year. Next week we will begin our football unit. Students should be prepared to go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation!

    Orchestra: We are  so excited to Know and Grow in orchestra!  Bring instruments and books and a pencil  on Tuesday and Thursday - September 2 and 4.  Orchestra meets every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday  this year.  As always - feel free to call Mrs. Kladder - anytime with any questions or concerns!

    Science: Science Safety Contract is due on Tuesday, September 2.  Please read through this with your student and be sure to sign it so that they can participate in lab this year.  Please also make sure your student has a spiral notebook to bring to Science class this year.

    Spanish:  We will begin creating our iMovie projects, demonstrating use of the verb "to go" and the places around our communities that we learned at the end of 5th grade.  New students will receive additional instruction in class to catch them up so they can join in the fun.

    7th Grade News

    Art: Sketchbooks are coming home and the first assignment is to create a cover.  Please check the google calendar for due dates.  The first project we are working on deals with the art elements and principles of art

    Band:  We begin with instruments on Tuesday, Sept. 2.  Band meets 3 times per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am looking forward to a great musical year! Band is GREAT for the brain!  We will know, grow and GO in band!

    Bible: Students will need a spiral notebook for Bible class this year.  I'm so excited to dive into the Bible with these students!

    History:  We are starting off our year in 7th History understanding what the study of Geography really means and why we study Geography.  Next week we will continue looking into these questions and students will create short comics that answer these two questions.

    Language arts: As we venture into next week, 7th graders will receive a LA textbook. From there, we will begin studying two major components of literature: story structure and conflict. We will begin our unit on short stories with Rudyard Kipling's Rikki-tikki-tavi"

    PE: It has been wonderful meeting the 7th grade students! It is going to be a great year. Next week we will begin our soccer unit. Students should be prepared to go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation!

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Next week we will start with "The Language of Algebra" as we freshen up our Algebra skills needed this year.  Students are also to have their book covered for Tuesday.  

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Our first unit will be building our "Algebra Toolbox" with essential skills needed for understanding and simplifying algebraic expressions.  Students have a purple textbook that must be neatly covered with a paper bag.

    Orchestra:  Everyone needs instruments and books for  every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday-- 3 times per week!  Looking forward to  a great year!  As always- call me if you ever have any questions or concerns.  

    Science: We begin the year with a study of nature around the school campus.  We will be spending most science periods outside.

    Spanish:  We will begin our first unit on Inside/Outside the house and location of items.

    8th Grade News

    Algebra (Boerkoel):  
    The textbooks have been passed out and there is also a digital version available to the students through Moodle.  The students will have an assignment nearly every time they have class which will be graded the following class period.

    Art: Sketchbooks are coming home and the first assignment is to create a cover.  Please check the google calendar for due dates.  The first project we are working is creating a artist chop or signature through the relief printmaking process.   

    Band:  We begin with instruments on Tuesday, Sept. 2.  Band meets 3 times per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am looking forward to a great musical year! Band is GREAT for the brain!  We will know, grow and GO in band!

    Bible:  We are beginning the year diving into the gospels! We will be working in groups to learn about the background of each book to use as a foundation. We are also working on reflecting on Scripture through journals and SOAP.

    Geometry: The Geometry students are off to a good start.  We are beginning chapter one on the foundations of geometry using points, lines, and planes.  There will be a short quiz on Thursday, Sept. 4th. Our unit notes will be in two-column form and will be kept in a 3-ring binder. Looking forward to a great year!

    History:  We are picking up our study of American History, from where we left off last spring, right at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.  Today we reminded ourselves of many of the reasons that led to war.  Next week we will look at a few of the early events of the war including the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Bunker Hill.  **I do want you to be aware that I gave students the option of having a textbook or using the digital copies of the textbook that I place on moodle.  If your student would still like to get a book later in the year to use, or even just to keep at home till the end of the year, they can sign one out at any time.**4, i

    Language arts: We will be launching into the notorious NHD project. Next week, we will focus on taking effective notes, gathering sources, citations, and the difference between primary and secondary sources. Lot's of time to research, and many info updates on the way.
        -During the project, students will have many notes and other handouts that they will need to keep track of for several months. Students are required to have a separate 3 ring binder dedicated to NHD materials. I have 43 binders in my classroom that I can give out to students, and more are on the way. However, not every student may receive a binder immediately, and if you decide, it may be helpful just to buy a binder instead.
        - In addition, we are looking to be traveling to the downtown public library on Sept 11. More information will follow in the coming week about this trip, but getting a library card for the trip (and for future researching) is highly encouraged.

    PE: It has been wonderful meeting the 8th grade students! It is going to be a great year. Next week we will begin our frisbee unit. Students should be prepared to go outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation!

    Orchestra:  Bring your instruments and books - every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this year- so 1rst day with instruments is next Tuesday- September 2!  Ads always - feel free to call or e-mail me with any of your concerns or questions.  

    Science: We have begun the year review the proper way to do a lab write in testing the question: Do double stuff Oreos really have have double the stuffing

    Spanish:  We are doing an in-class project, "Qué lleva tu compañero?" in which students make a short iMovie saying and writing sentences about what their partners are wearing.  Students may bring in costume pieces to embellish their wardrobe.


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc, please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.  This website is kept up to date on a daily basis and will be a place to answer many of your questions.  You can find this website thru following the links on the general ACS website to the athletic page, or you can follow the link below.  

    Game schedules will be emailed out to you soon.  The GRACEAC league has been working hard to make accurate schedules that can be counted on throughout the whole season.  Below I have listed the first game date for each of our fall sports.  As soon as we have games schedules we will email them out to you and post them on the ACS Athletic Website.

    Volleyball:  Saturday, September 6
    Soccer:  Saturday, September 13

    This year we have a great Athletic Director staff.  If you have questions about athletics please contact the person listed below based on the grade of your son or daughter.  This will help to have all of your questions answered in a timely manner.

    5th and 6th Grade Athletics:     Sue Suwyn - ssuwyn@adachristian.org
                    Carly Prins - cprins@adachristian.org

    7th and 8th Grade Athletics:    Angela Van Duyn - avanduyn@adachristian.org

    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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    Homework Calendars
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    Student Grades
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