Saturday, September 13, 2014

MSM 9/13/14

Middle School Matters

September 13, 2014

General Announcements
PTO Reminder- we are in the final days of the PTO Fall Fundraiser and we encourage all of you to participate. From Kindergarten to these wonderful Middle School years, the efforts of our PTO have made a difference. It is their desire to continue to make a difference and they need our help! Putting Mrs. Brower and Mrs. DeKoster on the roof is just a side benefit the real motivator should be supporting our PTO! Thank You!

    6th Grade News

    Parent Homework:  Please complete and return the 'Parent Homework' to your child's homeroom teacher.  Thanks for taking time to complete this!

    Art: In class we continue to work on exploring pattern and soon we will work on how visually show how we see God in our lives.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.  

    Band:  Awesome job on the band test - - WOW!!!  Super work.  Practice page 26 and 27, Ceremonial March and Oceans, and also All for Jesus.  

    Language arts:  We have been studying and reviewing nouns.  Next week we will review plural and possessive nouns through some games and activities.   We will also read Tuck Everlasting.  Through this novel, we will study characterization, plot development, vocabulary, and figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification).  Next week the students will take the language arts portion of the DEA tests as well.  We are busy!

    Math (Kiser): Thursday students were sent home with a chapter 1 (Ratios and Rates) study guide and practice test.  The practice test needs to be completed and is due on Wednesday so we can review and answer student questions. Our Chapter 1 test will be Thursday, Sept 9/18.

    PE: We have been playing a lot of soccer in the gym and outside! We have also been learning the positions and the basic rules of soccer. Next week we will wrap up our soccer unit. There is a soccer review sheet posted on Moodle for students to look over

    Science: We'll be familiarizing ourselves with lab equipment this week.

    Spanish:   We are finally ready to begin our iMovie Spanish projects this coming week. I can't wait to see what creative ideas this group will come up with!  All work will be done in class, although students can prep at and bring props from home.

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  On Tuesday we will be taking Chapter 1 Test.

    Art: In class continue to work on show the art element and principles in our artwork.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook homework.  

    Band:  Practice the band book (page 12), When Johnny Comes Marching Home, Blacksmith, Oceans, and All for Jesus

    Bible: Memory work due Tuesday.

    History:  Next week we will be wrapping up our introductory unit on Geography.  We will study different types of maps, we will practice using lines of latitude and longitude, and learn about the different time zones.  Students can practice learning their geography vocab words right now...there are flashcards to help them study on moodle.  By the end of the week we will be reviewing for a test that will be either on Friday or early the following week.  I will be sure to let the students know and post the date to moodle later next week.  

    Language arts: We are about fifty percent of the way through our short stories unit, with two stories under our belt. This coming week, students will be working on their first creative writing assignment (a prequel or sequel to the short story we just finished), that will implement their new knowledge of conflict and plot elements. We will also begin reading the short story "Lather and Nothing Else".
    -Students will be working on an independent reading project that will be due in October. Talk to your child to see that they have a book, and ask them about the "September one-pager" assignment for more details.

    PE: We have been playing a lot of soccer in the gym and outside! We have also learned about the positions and the basic rules of soccer. There is a soccer review sheet posted on Moodle for students to look over. We are wrapping up our soccer unit and will dive into disc golf next week!

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): This week we will be working heavily with Integers.

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We will continue building our algebra toolboxes this week. Chapter 1 Test is tentatively planned for Friday.

    Science: We are continuing our nature study.  The main focus is plants around ACS.  Each plant we study the student needs to fill out a sheet on it and carefully observe the plant so he can accurately color it.

    Spanish:  7th graders have their first online homework assignment this week.  Please note:  Students are allowed to do their online Quia assignments as many times as they want until the due date.  I will take the BEST score.  Resources are available to them on their Moodle class site.

    8th Grade News

    Algebra (8th):  On Tuesday we take chapter 1 test.  

    Algebra (Holtrop): On Wednesday we take chapter 1 test.

    Art: In class we continue our work on the initial chops and the printmaking process.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.  

    Band:  Quiz on British Grenadiers on Thursday. Work on this (in the book).  Also: Practice Hogan's Heroes, Oceans, All for Jesus, Glee.

    Bible:  We have already taken a close look at the Gospels as a whole. Now, we are moving into studying each individual Gospel. We are currently looking at the book of Matthew and its discussions on the Kingdom of Heaven, specifically with the Beatitudes found in Ch. 5. We are doing a Beatitudes Project that will be due on Friday, September 19. Each student was assigned a specific Beatitude and have been challenged to research the Beatitude and apply it to different areas of his or her life. Next week, we will begin the study of Mark.

    Geometry: We are finishing chapter one and will have the test on Monday and Tuesday,
    Sept. 15-16.  Next week we will begin to study the language of Geometry including conditional and converse statements.

    History:  Next week we will continue our study of the American Revolution.  Students will have a two or three reading and note taking assignments for homework.

    Language arts: As we go into a new week, we will be shifting gears with the NHD project: we have had ample time in class for research, and we will now begin to think about writing. Topics for this coming week include: organizing notes into an outline, writing a thesis statement, and brainstorming connections between notes and the theme of "Leadership and Legacy in History". Please keep checking the NHD calendar I shared earlier; this weekend I plan on adding some suggested note page numbers. Again, I will also send an email when a major change has occurred.

    PE: We have had a lot of fun learning to play the game of ultimate frisbee. We have been able to play in the gym as well as outside! We will wrap up our ultimate frisbee unit next week. There is an ultimate frisbee review sheet posted on Moodle for the students to look over.

    Science: We are continuing our study of minerals and learning about their physical properties.
    Spanish:  We have completed our iMovie projects (we're still trying to figure out how to upload some of them) and will be moving on to additional ways of talking about what we like in clothing and how it fits us.  

    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.

    Just as a reminder all students must go home after school and come back for practice that begin after 3:30pm.  Thank you for helping us in the matter.

    There will be an 8th grade girls basketball open gym starting next week Tuesday, September 16 from 3:30-5:30pm at ACS.  If you have any questions please contact Mark Abolt.

    This year we have a great Athletic Director staff. If you have questions about athletics please contact the person listed below based on the grade of your son or daughter. This will help to have all of your questions answered in a timely manner.

    5th and 6th Grade Athletics:       Sue Suwyn -
                                                Carly Prins -

    7th and 8th Grade Athletics:     Angela Van Duyn -

    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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    Homework Calendars
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    Student Grades
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