Algebra Boerkoel: The students are doing great at completing their homework. We are planning on a test a week from this coming Monday.
Algebra Holtrop: Students will be receiving a review packet as there will be a test one week from Monday! Students will also be studying problem solving, the use of tables and graphs and we'll take a look at functions.
Art: In class the 8th graders are working on creating a brand or design with their initials that will be used as a artist signature. These designs will be transferred to block for cutting out and printing. Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.
Band: We have a "new" (to us) march to learn: Hogan's Heroes March! We will likely watch an episode or two so they know a little history about this show and song. We also have a few other pieces that are new to us, and method books as well. What a great bunch of 8th graders. They are terrific.
Bible: We are busy diving into the background information of the Gospels. Students prepared presentations for their classmates to teach them about their assigned Gospel (Author, Audience, Purpose etc.). We look forward to learning about each individual Gospel and applying it to our lives. Such a great way to end our days here in 8th grade!
Geometry: We are continuing our work on points, lines, and planes in Chapter One. We will finish the chapter next week and plan to have the chapter test on Sept. 15 and 16. The students have been doing a terrific job on assignment completion and note-taking so far this year.
History: On Tuesday we will be taking a quiz on Chapter 5. Students have access to Flashcards on moodle which is our review sheet with answers. Please encourage students to spend time reviewing this weekend. Later next week we will start looking at the Declaration of Independence.
Language arts: This coming week is a busy one. On Monday, our media specialist, Sara Reinders, will be workshopping with the 8th graders about credibility of sources for NHD. She will also be showing the students how to use the many modifications that have been made to the ACS library website. On Thursday, September 11, students will be taking a trip to the downtown public library, where they will have access to numerous resources, and ample time for steady work. I will be sending a form with specific information about the trip on Monday.
PE: Students are working on their frisbee skills and will be using those skills in ultimate frisbee games. Students should be prepared to go outside!
Orchestra: Assignment for the 8th grade orchestra--Small Overture- measures 1 through 40 and Tallis Canon and variations, Show practice records on Monday-- 20 minutes each day!
Science: We completed our review of atoms, isotopes, and ions. Next week we will begin our study of minerals.
Spanish: After learning how the new iMovie update works :) we are under way creating our first Spanish project which is a review of the Clothing unit we ended with last year. This will segue into more advanced conversational skills on how to shop in Spanish. Students will finish these movies in class, but some editing and adding of subtitles may have to be done at home. The homework calendar will show each class' individual due date.
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