Friday, October 10, 2014

MSM 10/10/14

Middle School Matters

October 10, 2014

General Announcements
Spanish Immersion Weekend coming up!  October 24-26 at Circle Pines (about half hour south of ACS!) hosts this immersion weekend.  MS students can earn MEGA extra credit for attending all or part of this weekend experience.  Please check the Moodle page (under "Resources") for the brochure!

Student-Teacher Conferences:  This week many of our MS students met with their homeroom teacher for a Student-Teacher Conference.  (We will wrap up these conferences on Monday.)  This was a good opportunity for the teachers to connect more with their students.  The conferences focused around four key ideas: Mind (academics), Body (physical well-being), Soul (spiritual growth), and Community (relationships).  We helped students think through some goals in these areas and challenged them to do their best in all areas of life.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up this week and next, October 16th from 5:30-8:30 and the 21st from 4:30 - 7:30. Our Middle School does a "Round Robin" style of conference. You will find each teacher at a table in the Commons. You will have a chance to talk with individual teachers. There are NO SCHEDULED conference times unless you request them with a specific teacher in advance.

Mid-Point Check of Trimester 1: We have passed the halfway point for Trimester one. Please talk with your child about how things are going. If you would like help accessing your student's grades on PowerSchool, please contact

    6th Grade News

    Progress Reports:
    Today your student will be coming home with a printed copy of their grades.  This progress report is intended to serve as a tool to talk with your child about how school is going and to see if they are on track. Please remember that you can login to PowerSchool and view your student's grades at any time and that the grades are always changing.  If your student has a 0 on an assignment, they might not have turned it in on time or it is missing.  Please sign and return the bottom portion of the front page.

    Art: Both 6ki and 6ko are working on part two of project one - visually showing how the artist's see God in their lives.  6d is still working on completing their patterns.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.  

    Band:  Practice Records are due each month.  The October calendar was handed out at the beginning of the month, and more are available in the band room.  240 minutes in a month is an A.  Please encourage a regular practice schedule for band.  Your students are doing a great job during class - practice at home is also essential.

    Bible:  Wednesday the books of the Old Testament are due.  We will continue our look the setting of the Bible this week.

    Choir: We have learned the story about Horatio Spafford and "It is Well With My Soul". Students are making presentations/projects about this.  All are due over the course of the next week, on the day that your student has choir. So far I have seen some really great things from your 6th graders.  Wow!

    History:  Google Map presentations are due on Monday.  We are continuing our study on maps focusing on latitude and longitude this week.

    Language arts:  The students did EXTREMELY well on their noun quizzes last week.  Your child will bring home the quiz next week for a parent signature.  This must be returned to school on Thursday, October 16.  For some students that struggled on the possessive part, there will be some reteaching.  Next week, we will spend more time reading Tuck Everlasting and picking out literary devices.  We will even find similes and metaphors in music!   There will not be a lot of extra homework, but I do expect your child to read 90 minutes a week outside of school.

    Math: The students have been working hard this past week as we have been estimating with percents. We will continue with percents next week and hope that the estimation practice will help us understand if our computational answers are correct. This has been a challenging concept for some students, but over the past couple days students have grown in their confidence.  A huge help for them is to have their common fractions, decimals and percent equivalencies memorized.  We did make flash cards and students have a reference page taped/glued in the front cover of their book.  Please help practice these with your student.  Also students should be bringing their book home so they have the notes from class to reference while doing their homework. 

    PE: The students have been enjoying the fall weather while playing disc golf. Students have played a course that was created for them and have also created their own disc golf course. Next week students will use their frisbee skills to learn and play the game of ultimate frisbee.

    Orchestra:  The students played extremely well on the playing quiz today- on lesson 35. We will finish the playing quiz on lesson 36 on Monday. Thanks so much for the great job on practice!  Keep it up-  it is so great to learn new pieces when everyone practices!!!  Another great WOW- all of the string players are putting their cases ON the instrument racks - keep up the great work!

    Science: We're moving on to a study of matter - what is it?  What are different forms?  What are properties of matter?  Lots of fun labs and demos to come, so be sure to ask your student about those.

    Spanish: El alfabeto!  In learning the Spanish alphabet, students will improve their ability to pronounce and spell in Spanish.  In class, we will do a mock phone conversation whereby students pretend to call a Taxi service, spelling their name and address in Spanish, which "dispatch" will type into their "database."  By the end of the week, ask your 6th grader if they can "sing" the Alphabet March.  

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  We have started chapter three about how to solve linear equations. Showing each step is very important in completing these types of problems. Please make sure your student is taking the time to do so. It makes a big difference!

    Art: 7c has begun the next project in art class with studying about artist Alex Calder. 7c's art element and principle projects are next week Thursday.   7d is working on completing their element and principle people and will learn about Alex Calder next week.  Please check moodle homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.

    Band:  Practice Records are due each month.  The October calendar was handed out at the beginning of the month, and more are available in the band room.  240 minutes in a month is an A.  Please encourage a regular practice schedule for band.  Your students are doing a great job during class - practice at home is also essential. Go team!  All will play solos on Nov. 18 at school. More details as we get closer.

    Bible: Students are doing great thinking and reflecting in class so far this year.  We will continue to study the Kings and Prophets in the upcoming weeks.  New memory work will be announced soon.

    History:  We have been investigating different world religions this week.  Next week we will focus on the Beginnings of Buddhisms.  Later in the week we will start reviewing for a Test on the geography of South Asia and the early religions of South Asia.  This test will happen early the following week (Oct. 20 or 21).

    Language arts: This coming week, 7th graders will continue working with The Witch of Blackbird Pond, the text that we are currently studying together as a class. On Friday, Oct 10, students will have completed and uploaded their September "One-Pagers" (independent reading book reports) to Moodle. Students are now encouraged to begin reading for their October/November One-pager; the genre will be free-choice, and the due-date will be determined soon (it will be some time in mid-November).

    PE: Students have completed their disc golf unit with an assignment that asked them to create their own disc golf course. Students have also begun to learn the game of ultimate frisbee. Next week students will continue to learn and play ultimate frisbee. Hopefully we can still head outside!

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We continue to work with Rational Numbers.  Next week we will be dividing, adding and subtracting with rational numbers.

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Chapter 2 Test (Integers & Exponents) will be on Friday.  There will be a section that will require students to do operations with integers without a calculator.

    Orchestra:  7th graders are doing  English Carol Collage  this coming week- It is a fast jig with lots of string crossings , slurs and flats!  But I am sure that this talented group will learn it well!  Thanks for all of your great practice records that are faithfully turned in to me and keep up the great job.

    Spanish:  7D has a TEST on Tuesday; 7C has a TEST on Friday.  Details are on the moodle calendar.

    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:  An AUDITION WORKSHOP is scheduled for Tuesday, October 28 after school.  Free, helpful clinic on what directors look for, and how to best sell yourself at an audition.  More details on the website:

    Algebra (Holtrop): Next week we will begin studying how to solve linear equations. Showing each step is very important in completing these types of problems. Please make sure your student is taking the time to do so. It makes a big difference!

    Art: All 8th grade classes are in the process of transitioning to a new project.  8e has a printmaking quiz on next week Wednesday and should study their blue note sheets on printmaking and the chop/monogram.   8d and 8e will have a printmaking quiz on the Monday, Oct 20.   The next 8th grade project is learning about the artform and process of calligraphy and illumination.  

    Band:  Band Festival is Nov. 18 at ACS.  We are working on 2 pieces for the judges.  You should be hearing these pieces at your houses - Modal Song and Dance, and Canadian Shield March (we just got this one on Thursday). We also have 8 or 9 other songs in the folders...I hope you are hearing music at your house.  Please ask for a concert from your student. :)

    Bible:  We are wrapping up our study of the Gospel of Luke, with a main focus on the theme of prayer. Students have looked at and tried different types of prayer.

    Geometry: Next week we will be finishing chapter three on angles.  We have started a list of justifications which will be used all year in proofs.  The test on Chapter 3 will be Monday, Oct. 20.

    History:  Starting Monday we will begin a new unit that focuses on the beginnings of our new nation and our new government.  We will learn how the country struggled in agreeing to what the new plan for government should look like.  This will lead us into the writing of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  

    Language arts: Throughout the week, 8th graders will be working with clauses, fragments, and sentence structure. During this hands-on approach to grammar, students will also learn strategies for implementing their new knowledge and skills into their NHD essays. Henry Witte and I will be grading the NHD outlines over the next few days, and will try to return them to the students as promptly as possible. The due date for the first draft of the essay will be Wednesday, October 22. More details about this draft will be sent to parents soon.

    PE: Students have been enjoying this fall weather while playing soccer outside. Next week we will wrap our soccer unit up with a short soccer test. We will then dive into a disc golf course outside!

    Orchestra:  We will work on the new orchestra pieces and  continue to polish the 3 pieces for Solo and Ensemble  on November 18th!   Keep up the great pace with learning all of the new music- !!!!

    Spanish:  All 8th graders will have assignments both days this week. 

    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.  

    Winter basketball sign-ups are now taking place for students in grades 5-8.  If your son/daughter is interested in playing basketball this winter please follow the link below to sign them up.  The registration deadline will be Friday, October 17.  Please remember NO late registrations will be accepted.  If you have any questions or are concerned about a possible conflict please contact Angela Van Duyn ( for 7th and 8th grade or Carly Prins ( for 5th and 6th grade.

    Wildcat sweatshirts are available to be purchased for students in grades 6-8.  These sweatshirts will have your son/daughters last name screen printed onto the sweatshirt.  At the end of each school year you may choose to have a patch screen printed onto the sweatshirt for each sport season that your child has completed.  These sweatshirts follow the "varsity jacket" theme and have replaced ordering "team gear" for each sport season which can become extremely costly.  If you would like to order a wildcat sweatshirt the information is listed below.  

    Cost:  $35.00
    Forms:  Located in the office - coming soon
    Turn completed forms into:  Sue Suwyn, Angela Van Duyn, or Carly Prins

    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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    Homework Calendars
    *To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."
    Student Grades
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