Monday, October 6, 2014

MSM 10/3/14

Middle School Matters

October 3, 2014

General Announcements
Thank you to all the 6th grade parents who helped with our service project this week.  We received calls and emails from the organizations to thank us for your hard work.  THANK YOU for helping us to encourage service to others at ACS.  If you have more pictures please upload them to the link Mr. Kiser gave you or email them to one of the 6th grade teachers. 

    6th Grade News

    Art Prize Field Trip - October 8  We are heading to Art Prize on the afternoon of October 8 with the entire 6th grade class.  We are leaving school around 11:40am and will start at the Grand Rapids Public Museum at 12:00pm.  We need your permission to bring the kids so please fill out the quick survey to approve.  Art Prize Permission Slip & Parent Sign Ups  We also need chaperones, so you can include that information on the permission form.  Hope to see many of you on Wednesday afternoon.

    Band:  September practice records are due now!  240 minutes is an A.  October is a great time to add in extra practice minutes if September was a little light.  :)

    Bible:  We are continuing our general study of the Bible this week looking at the geography of Israel and the Middle East.  Next Bible memory is the Books of the Old Testament.

    History:  Students are working on Google Presentations of different maps and map projections.  They will be due on Friday.  

    Language arts:  Students should have finished their "book of the month" by Monday, October 6.  We have been doing some independent reading at school, too.  The Noun Quiz will be on Wednesday, October 8.  Students will review in class by sharing/reviewing noun keynote presentations.  Students will receive a review sheet on Monday.  If you wish to review with your child before Monday, you can use the blue sheets in your child's grammar section.  Last week we studied characters and character traits.  Next week, we will take a closer look at the figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification) in Tuck Everlasting.  NOTE:  I have accumulated several grades for LA now, so you will begin to see more grades on PowerSchool for LA.

    Science: Test on measurement, equipment, and science safety on Tuesday.  A review sheet was handed out on Wednesday and is also posted on our class moodle site.  Students have notes to help them review for this and study tips are posted on moodle.

    Spanish:   Their iMovie projects are looking great!  Next stop:  El alfabeto.  Learning the Spanish alphabet ensures proper pronunciation.

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Students will be writing a test on Chapter 2 on Tuesday! Be sure to remind them to study!

    Band:  September practice records are due now!  240 minutes is an A.  October is a great time to add in extra practice minutes if September was a little light.  :)

    Bible: Memory work (Psalm 89:1-4) due Tuesday.  Quiz questions posted on moodle.

    History:  Next week we will be focusing on the beginnings of Hinduism and Buddhism and how that relates to South Asia.  We will have a couple of reading assignments and we will be having some great conversations in class where we will compare Christianity to Hinduism and Buddhism.  

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Quiz on 2.1-2.5 on Tuesday!  Working through the guided practice sections of each lesson in the book is a great way to review & prepare.  All the answers to these exercises are in the back of the student book.

    Spanish:  7D TEST on Wednesday.  7C's TEST is not until Friday, October 17th.

    8th Grade News

    DESSERT THEATRE INFO:  Here is a link to all things MULAN, JR.
    The scripts (librettos) are HERE, and students can start checking them out!  CD's can also be obtained for a $5 "donation."

    Algebra Holtrop: Students will be taking the chapter two test on Wednesday! We will be reviewing on Monday and Tuesday to help prepare. Remind them to study at home as well!

    Band:  Band Festival is November 18.  We have to play two songs for our judges.  Things to practice at home:  Modal Song and Dance, Glee, Hogan's Heroes, and soon: Canadian Shield.

    Bible:  We have finished up our study of the Gospel of Mark. Mark Book Trailers will be due this Monday! Next week we will continue our study of Luke with a focus on prayer; the meaning, different types and what Jesus teaches us about prayer.

    Geometry: We have finished chapter two on conditionals and will begin chapter 3 on Monday with an in-depth study of angles in Geometry.  

    History:  We will be reviewing Chapter 6 and preparing for a test.  Chapter 6 Test is scheduled for next Thursday.  

    Spanish:  8E TEST on Tuesday.  8F and 8D will have homework BOTH days this week.

    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.  

    Wildcat Sweatshirts
    Wildcat sweatshirts are available to be purchased for students in grades 6-8.  These sweatshirts will have your son/daughters last name screen printed onto the sweatshirt.  At the end of each school year you may choose to have a patch screen printed onto the sweatshirt for each sport season that your child has completed.  These sweatshirts follow the "varsity jacket" theme and have replaced ordering "team gear" for each sport season which can become extremely costly.  If you would like to order a wildcat sweatshirt the information is listed below.   
    Cost:  $35.00
    Forms:  Located in the office
    Turn completed forms into:  Sue Suwyn, Angela Van Duyn, or Carly Prins

    After School Practices
    Just a reminder, all students must go home after school and return at a later time for any practices that do not start by 3:30pm.  Students are not allowed to stay after school and wait in the lobby until practices start.  

    GRC game locations
    If your soccer or volleyball schedule mentions GRC as the location for a game to take place they will be at the locations listed below.
    Volleyball:  GRC Elementary School - 1050 Iroquois Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506
    Soccer:  GRC Middle School - 1875 Rosewood Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506

    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
    Quick Links
    Homework Calendars
    *To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."
    Student Grades
    View Previous MSM
    School Newsletter

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