Wednesday, October 22, 2014

MSM 10/22/14


Middle School Matters


October 22, 2014
General Announcements

All Middle School Students will be participating and performing in the Middle School Christmas Concert on Thursday, Dec. 11.  Concert Dress is all black on the bottom, and white on the top. It might be good to see if you have black and white clothing, and also see if your black and white items still fit.

    6th Grade News

    6th Grade Laptops: This is a repeat reminder that beginning Tuesday, October 28 6th grade students will be bringing their school laptop home with them each night.  Please click to read about some information and suggestions to share with you as the computers come home.

    Band:  We gave a concert on Tuesday for some elementary students, hooray!  Our next band quiz will be Thursday, Oct. 30. See Moodle Calendar for details.

    Bible:  Book of the Bible Memory due on Tuesday.  Bible Test on Unit 2 on Wednesday.  They have the review sheet in their spiral notebook to begin studying.  Extra Credit Bible Memory - Ephesians 2: 4-10 due on Friday.

    History:  This coming week we will work on a project using latitude and longitude.  

    Language arts:  Students have started learning about pronouns this week.  Students have also been working on their 15 "My Words" for spelling.  There will be a test on these 15 words coming up on Thursday, October 30.  Students continue to enjoy reading Tuck Everlasting.

    Math (Kiser): Starting Monday we will be focusing on perfecting our computation skills with decimal numbers.  We will work on these skills in context of the Metric System and with Area, Perimeter and Volume.  

    PE: We have begun our floor hockey unit this week. Students are practicing the skills needed to play in a floor hockey game. Next week we will dive into more game play. There is a floor hockey review sheet posted on Moodle. There will be a test at the end of the unit.

    Orchestra:  We received 2 new orchestra pieces  this week so our next playing quiz will be on those 2 pieces-- that will happen next Tuesday and Thursday!

    Science: We will continue to unpack properties of matter.  Students are thinking and working hard.

    Spanish:   Students will have a QUIZ on the alphabet/pronunciation:  6A on Thursday.  6B & 6C on Friday.


    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Students will be reviewing and taking their test on Tuesday. We will then review for a cummulative test that will cover chapters 1-3.

    Band:  Solo and Ensemble is Tuesday, Nov. 18 here at ACS, during school.  Students are hard at work on their solos, hooray!  Keep up the practicing so that we will do super well at this event.

    Bible: We continue to look at stories of kings and prophets of Israel.  New memory work will be announced this coming week.

    History:  Next week we will be finishing our study of South Asia.  Look for a quiz on Modern South Asia next Friday.

    Language arts: When we return next week, we will continue our study of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. As we have examined the novel and a short documentary about the Salem Witch Trials, students have been learning about how an unwillingness to know somebody can lead to fear, mistrust, and broken community. As we continue with the unit, we will be reading about how Jesus reached out to the social outcasts during His ministry. We will be asking the question, "How should we treat others to facilitate God's community?"

        Students will also have a vocabulary and character quiz on Friday, October 31.

    PE: We have begun our floor hockey unit this week. Next week we will dive into more game play. There is a floor hockey review sheet posted on Moodle. There will be a test at the end of the unit.

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Students are doing great and we will again we stretching our minds next week as we work with Roots and Powers. Please help reinforce that your child is neatly showing their work on all assignments.

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We've begun a study of rational and real numbers.  This can be challenging material, so please encourage your student to stay on top of their assignments and use the examples in their book for help if they get stuck.

    Orchestra:  Students are working so well on their  small ensembles and solos .. some people are also composing their own songs!  I am still in need of several accompanists!

    Science: This coming week we will be studying grasshoppers.

    Spanish:  7th graders are learning items we might find in the living room and bedroom.  This week (upcoming) they will be creating their own Keynote/PPT demonstrating their understanding of prepositions which show location.  Can your student show you the "Peppy Prepositions" dance?

    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:  Due to the first soccer tournament game being scheduled for Tuesday the 28th (Go Wildcats!) there will be an additional workshop offered the following afternoon, Wednesday the 29th, also from 3 - 5 p.m.  Students should have received a sign-up link via email.  More information available at the website:

    8th Grade Yearbook Pictures:  Many of you have chosen, or are planning, to have 8th grade pictures taken outside of school.  Please try to email or send in via flashdrive to Mr. Witte your digital copy of the photo you would like in the yearbook as soon as you have it available.  All yearbook pictures will need to be submitted before Christmas Break.  Thanks.

    Algebra (8th):  This coming week there will be a Chapter 3 Test on Monday and Cummulative Test (Chapters 1-3) on Wednesday.

    Algebra (Holtrop): This coming week we will be finishing Chapter 3 and there will be a test on Friday.

    Band:  Band Festival is Tuesday, Nov. 18.  We are hard at work on our festival pieces.  Go team!  :)

    Geometry: We have finished chapter 3 and are working on transformations in geometry.  We will finish the transformations in chapter 4 next week.

    History:  On Tuesday we will be taking a test on Chapter 7.  Notecards are up on moodle.  Later in the week we will spend a little in a Civics unit understanding how our government works and what are our civil responsibilities.

    Language arts: 1st Draft of the NHD essay is done! Through this coming week, students will begin the revision process be examining a peer's essay and proofreading it.

        The second draft (the parent draft) is coming up soon! I will be sending a detailed email this week about what this means and what is required.

        Don't let students forget: Monday, a grammar assignment is due. It is on Moodle, but minds may forget, due to the extra long weekend.

    PE: We have begun our floor hockey unit this week. Next week we will dive into more game play. There is a floor hockey review sheet posted on Moodle. There will be a test at the end of the unit.

    Orchestra:  Orchestra  Festival  is November 18th- Tuesday!  We are  working on putting the  finishing touches on several of our ensemble pieces but still need to learn  notes for the English Carol Collage!

    Science: This coming week we will be studying the characteristics of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.

    Spanish:  We will continue with our CHORES vocabulary, and learn to talk about things we are going to do (or not,) have to do, and have just done.  We are also watching an interactive Spanish mystery (telenovela put out by the BBC) which helps us learn some very practical Spanish.






    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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