Dessert Theatre: All the kids are doing a GREAT job auditioning, and we will have some very difficult choices to make. A callback list will be posted Monday afternoon.
The link:
Algebra (8th): Chapter 4 test on Monday.
Algebra (Holtrop): We will be spending Monday and Tuesday reviewing chapter 4 and students will be taking their test on Wednesday. Encourage them to study hard and to continue to show all their work!
Art: In class we continue to work towards completing the calligraphy project. These project are due for 8E next week Friday and for 8F and 8D the following Tuesday. Please check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook assignments.
Band: Band Festival is Tuesday, Nov. 18 in the band room beginning at 12:24. We will be done by 1:13. Parents are welcome to come see/hear and enjoy the pieces we have learned for this event. Come on down to the band room to hear us. Students are to wear concert dress for this event. (Black and White). GO TEAM! :)
Geometry: We have finished chapter 5 on congruence and will have the chapter test on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 17-18. We are beginning our study of symmetry, isosceles triangles, and quadrilaterals.
Language arts: The 3rd draft of NHD is due on Monday, November 17! Students have been reminded about this date and the assignment's requirements on a daily basis, so complete work is expected at the very beginning of class on Monday. Students are required to turn in a title page, their revised essay, a complete bibliography, and their research notes.
Once the third drafts are turned in, our focus will return to John Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl", and we will resume a study of fundamental grammar and writing skills to prepare for NHD's 4th draft.
Orchestra: We are ready for Solo and Ensemble this coming Tuesday- November 18th! Wear your concert dress and bring your extra copy of the music for the judge and your thank you notes! Be sure to play your pieces for your parents alot this weekend!
Science: Next week I am planning on a test over Plate Tectonics.
Spanish: Memory Verse and Prayer due this week and are posted on Moodle. 8E and 8F will recite on Tuesday. 8D on Wednesday.