Monday, November 10, 2014

MSM 11/7/14



Middle School Matters


November 7, 2014
General Announcements


    6th Grade News

    Art: In class we are wrapping up our first project this week (check the moodle calendar for due dates) and transitioning to learning about drawing portrait. Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.

    Band:  Some band students are playing a solo for Solo and Ensemble.  The schedule for the solos will be on Moodle next week.  :)

    Bible:  Memory Work - Psalm 105:1-7 due Wednesday

    History:  3 Places I want to Visit or 5 Themes of Geography Table due Monday.  5 Themes of Geography Country Brochure due on Thursday.

    Language arts:  We will finish reading Tuck Everlasting next week. There will be a short QUIZ on the CHARACTERS of this story on Thursday, November  13 (Students should not have to study for this).  We will also begin two projects on this book--one on characterization and one free choice.   Students may also take an extra credit fill-in-the-blank quiz on Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" next Thursday, November 13.     

    Math (Kiser): The students are doing an impressive job working with decimal numbers. On Wednesday we will have a test on our decimal computation skills. Please have your student(s) show you the Study Guide and Practice Test which they received on Thursday.  

    Orchestra: We are learning Lesson 38 and 39  so be prepared  to play duets or trios in class on these 2 pages.  Continue to practice the sheet music- slurs/ accidentals  and parts c and e!  

    Science: Students continue to study density.  A "Mystery Liquid Lab" is coming up this week. The test over our study of Matter (particles, states, and density) will be coming in a little over a week.  A study guide will be available on moodle next week to help students prepare.

    Spanish:   We completed our Memory Verse and are beginning our unit on adjectives we can use to describe ourselves and others.  Students will have homework sheets this week, with due dates posted on the Moodle calendar for each class.

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Students have been catching on to graphing linear equations and are doing a great job. Next week we will be diving deep into the different ways of graphing and solving linear equations.

    Art: In class this week we worked on our Calder inspired sculptures and took some time to work through a in-progress critique of our sculptures.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments

    Band:  Solo and Ensemble is Nov. 18.  The schedule will be on Moodle at the beginning of next week.  People are doing GREAT!  :)

    Bible:  We've been discussing miracles.  We've studied a variety of miracles that take place in the Bible, specifically during the times of Elijah and Elisha.  We'll examine some of Jesus' miracles and begin to compile some writings about these in the coming week.

    History:  Next week we will continue our study of East and Southeast Asia.  We are learning about the geography and will be taking a geography quiz on Thursday where we identify different bodies of water, rivers, and landforms.  Students have a map that they made this week that they can study from. 

    Language arts: We are wrapped up with our unit on The Witch of Blackbird Pond, and next week we will begin the study of another novel: The Westing Game. However, please keep this information secretive: we will begin the unit with a simulation that should immerse students into the roles of characters, and challenge them to take vigorous notes and use deduction. It should be a lot of fun!

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): I've been having a great time with the students working with Roots and Powers. This week we worked with cube roots too. This next Wednesday we will be testing on Chapter 4.  Next up - Ratios and Direct Variation.  

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Students are working very hard to deepen their understanding of rational numbers and square roots.  We'll take a test over Chapter 3 on Tuesday.

    Orchestra:  Almost all solos and ensembles have performed in class- there are just a few performers who still have to really learn the notes !  Keep up the great work!

    Spanish:  7C will have a Slideshow due on Friday.  7D is learning all the definite and indefinite articles in Spanish (eight different words, compared to three in English.)

    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:  This week are AUDITIONS!  Wednesday and Friday, 3 - 5 p.m. Please click here for more information     

    Also, students should have come home today (Friday) with a yellow information/conflict/permission slip.  These must be turned in prior to auditions.


    Algebra (Holtrop): Students have been catching on to graphing linear equations and are doing a great job. Next week we will be diving deep into the different ways of graphing and solving linear equations.

    Art: In class students are working on the calligraphy and illumination of their favorite Bible passage.  These projects will be due before Thanksgiving so student will have to use their time in class wisley.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.  

    Band:  Band Festival is Nov. 18 - Hooray!! We are getting really great at our numbers.  SO FUN to hear them.

    Bible:  The 8th graders did an excellent job of leading chapel this week! We worked hard brainstorming and coming up with a plan that we were excited to share with the rest of the Middle School. After finishing our study of the Gospels (students received their tests back this week), we are now studying who Jesus is. We have discussed different views of Jesus and are diving into what the Bible says about his different characteristics.

    Geometry: We have finished our unit on transformations and are beginning chapter 5 on congruence and proofs.

    History:  Next week we will continue to look at some of the challenges that faced our new nation in the late 1700s and early 1800s.  Next week Thursday or Friday will also be "Ode to George Day" where we will celebrate the accomplishments of George Washington.  (Part of this special celebration may include asking for a few snacks.  Thanks!)

    Language arts: This week we read the first two chapters of John Steinbeck's novella The Pearl. We will continue reading next week, and as we do, we will be exploring themes of injustice, material wealth/greed, and how characters change throughout a novel.

        The 3rd draft of the NHD essay is due on November 17. More details to come!

    Orchestra: We added the piano part to 2 of our 5 pieces this week .  Next Tuesday and Thursday we will listen to the cello solos and any duets as well as put the finishing touches on  our festival songs.  

    Spanish:  We got a little behind this past week due to teacher illness, so plans changed a bit (mostly in that there was not paper brought home regarding chores.)  This coming week we will learn how to say chores we have to do.



    Volleyball & Soccer Uniforms

    Please turn in the fall boys soccer and girls volleyball uniforms.  You may turn in uniforms to the main office or your son/daughter may bring them to Carly Prins during PE class.  Please remember that winter basketball uniforms can not be handed out until all fall uniforms are back as we use many of the same ones for both seasons.  Thank you to many of you who have already turned in uniforms!   

    5th-6th Grade Basketball

    The winter 5th and 6th grade basketball season will begin the week of November 10.  If you have any questions please contact Carly Prins at  

    7th-8th Grade Basketball

    The winter 7th and 8th grade basketball season will begin the week of December 8.  If you have any questions please contact her at

    Open Gym Times

    The 8th grade girls will have the following dates and times available as open gyms before the basketball season begins.  If you have any questions please contact Mark Abolt.  

    Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 on November 11, 18, 25, & December 2.  

    The 8th grade boys will be having open gyms before the basketball season begins in December.  Please contact Curt Tamminga for specific days and times. 


    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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    Homework Calendars
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