Friday, November 14, 2014

MSM 11.14.14



Middle School Matters


November 14, 2014
General Announcements

End of Term: Friday is the end of the first trimester.  Please help your student check to make sure they have all their work turned in.

Christmas Parade: The Annual Ada Christmas Parade is Saturday, Dec. 6. We are watching the weather closely to decide whether we will be playing instruments or singing.  The parade steps off at 11, and is done by 11:30. (Short - because it is cold!) :) More details soon.

    6th Grade News

    Art: In art class 6ki and 6ko have began learning and working on self-portraits.  6D will work on completing the first project yet next week.  Please note that all 6D project must be completed by the end of the class next week, because these project are going on this trimesters grade.  6KO (Tuesday) and 6KI (Wednesday) have their first projects due and work handed in late will lose points.  Please check the homework calendar for project due dates and sketchbook homework.  


    Band:  Some of our 6th graders are playing a solo for a judge on Tuesday, Nov. 18.  The schedule is on the Band Moodle page and parents are welcome to come and see/hear their child perform. The quiz on the Christmas songs was festive on Thursday - students are doing well on their music, hooray!  November practice records are due soon - - time is flying by!  Please encourage your student to set aside regular time for practice.


    Bible:  This week students received their graded Unit 2 Tests.  One half of the test we took on Moodle and that is open for you to look over with your child.  They can log in and show you their test.  There are comments on the essays, and you can see the suggested correct answers as well.  The brochure section of the test has been returned, and can be edited and corrected for a better grade.  They must return the old copies and their rubric by Monday (Kiser, DeWeerd) or Tuesday (Koetje) with their CORRECTED brochure for an improved grade.  


    We are starting a Bible memory verse that will take us through the month of January.  Each week we will add on verses until we have completed Philippians 2: 1-15.  Due date for each section are on Moodle and on their laminated copy of the verse in their binder.  Verses 1 through 4 are due November 25 before Thanksgiving break.


    History:  We are beginning a unit on the different landforms and regions in God's amazing creation.  We are learning about each one and making flashcards for each one to help us study.  


    Language arts:  The 6th graders are working hard on a character project!  With this project, students create a poem about a character from Tuck Everlasting and write diary entry from the character's perspective (incorporating vocabulary and figurative language as well).  In addition to working on this project, students should complete independent reading book #2 by Wednesday.  I have something fun and exciting in store for book #2.  Stay tuned!


    Math (Kiser): Wow, what a great job students did computing problems with decimals. We now switch our focus to fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).


    Orchestra:  We will have a playing quiz in class this coming Tuesday, November 18th. Lessons 39 and 40 (pages 43 and 44  in our book)  


    Science: Matter Test on Tuesday.  Review materials are posted on our class moodle site.


    Spanish:  We are learning all kinds of fun adjectives to use in describing people, and how to use the verb "Ser."  

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Our class is showing great understanding about chapter 4 and will be taking their test on Monday. For the remainder of the week we will dive deeper into linear equations and we will be learning how to write linear equations using different forms.


    Art:  Both 7D (Monday) and 7C (Tuesday) have the sculpture project due next week. Projects turned in late will be counted down.  In class we have begun our next project exploring and working with positive and negative space.  Please check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook assignments.  


    Band: All of our 7th graders are playing a solo for a judge on Tuesday, Nov. 18. The schedule is on the Band Moodle page, and was also emailed to parents - -  and parents are welcome to come and see/hear their child perform.  This is a major assignment and grade for this marking period.  Most are quite ready to perform. Some will benefit from a little more practice time. Please encourage practice over the weekend and as we get ready for our big day.  Students are to wear Black and White for this event.  :) We have had some wonderful people come to be our accompanists.  Students will make a thank you card to give their accompanists on Tuesday. Supplies for this are in the band room.


    Bible: We'll be celebrating our work on our "Miracle Newspapers" this week Thursday.  Students have signed up to bring various items.  Please check with your child to see what they've signed up to bring.


    Language arts: Throughout the next week, students will continue working through the Westing Game simulation. While they are doing this, they should be updating their character journals on a daily basis. This will be the main form of assessment for the unit, so diligent, thorough writing is very important. The simulation portion of the unit focuses on writing through problems (using reflective writing to try to make sense of confusing situations and build on previous knowledge) and characterization; once this portion is done and we resume reading the book, our dialogue will be more focused on traditional literary elements.


    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Chapter 4 Tests were passed back today. We now continue to build our skills with Ratios, Proportions, and Similar Figures.


    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We're studying graphing and data collection this week. The Chapter Test will be Monday, November 24.


    Orchestra:  Solo and Ensemble this week - Tuesday, November 18th- in the orchestra room.  This schedule and all details were handed out to everyone this week.  Remember to wear CONCERT dress- black and white.  All solos, trios and ensembles are sounding wonderful!!!!


    Science: Last week we finished our study of invasive species and now are focusing on the Hymenopteran order of insects.


    Spanish:  Memory Verse and Prayer due this week and are posted on Moodle.  7D will recite on Tuesday.  7C on Wednesday.


    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:    All the kids are doing a GREAT job auditioning, and we will have some very difficult choices to make.  A callback list will be posted Monday afternoon.

    The link:   


    Algebra (8th):  Chapter 4 test on Monday.


    Algebra (Holtrop): We will be spending Monday and Tuesday reviewing chapter 4 and students will be taking their test on Wednesday. Encourage them to study hard and to continue to show all their work!


    Art: In class we continue to work towards completing the calligraphy project. These project are due for 8E next week Friday and for 8F and 8D the following Tuesday.  Please check the homework calendar for due dates and sketchbook assignments.  


    Band:  Band Festival is Tuesday, Nov. 18 in the band room beginning at 12:24. We will be done by 1:13.  Parents are welcome to come see/hear and enjoy the pieces we have learned for this event.  Come on down to the band room to hear us. Students are to wear concert dress for this event. (Black and White). GO TEAM!  :)


    Geometry: We have finished chapter 5 on congruence and will have the chapter test on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 17-18.  We are beginning our study of symmetry, isosceles triangles, and quadrilaterals.


    Language arts: The 3rd draft of NHD is due on Monday, November 17! Students have been reminded about this date and the assignment's requirements on a daily basis, so complete work is expected at the very beginning of class on Monday. Students are required to turn in a title page, their revised essay, a complete bibliography, and their research notes.

    Once the third drafts are turned in, our focus will return to John Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl", and we will resume a study of fundamental grammar and writing skills to prepare for NHD's 4th draft.


    Orchestra:   We are ready for Solo and Ensemble this coming Tuesday- November 18th!  Wear your concert dress and  bring your extra copy of the music for the judge  and your thank you notes!  Be sure to play your pieces for your parents alot this weekend!  

    Science: Next week I am planning on a test over Plate Tectonics.


    Spanish:  Memory Verse and Prayer due this week and are posted on Moodle.  8E and 8F will recite on Tuesday.  8D on Wednesday.




    Thank you to many of you who have already turned in uniforms!   If you have not please turn in uniforms to the main office or your son/daughter may bring them to Carly Prins during PE class.


    The 8th grade girls basketball will be having open gyms on the dates and times listed below.  If you have any questions please contact Mark Abolt.  Tuesday from 3:30-5:30 on November 18, 25, & December 2.  


    The 8th grade boys basketball will be having open gyms on the dates and times listed below.  If you have any questions please contact Curt Tamminga.  November 20, 25, and December 2,4 from 4:00-5:30pm


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.


    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
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    Homework Calendars
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    Student Grades
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    School Newsletter


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