Monday, January 12, 2015

Middle School Matters 1.12.15



Middle School Matters


January 12, 2015
General Announcements

Invite Others to ACS Information Night: Ada Christian School is hosting our Information Night for Prospective Families Tuesday, January 13 at 6:30. Please invite your family and friends to learn more about our school and ways we partner with parents to equip students for service in God's world.


BASBAC: This week Friday - Pizza and Pop for Middle School Only - Buck-a-slice, buck-a-can.  Yay!


Midterm Reports Coming Soon:  This coming Friday, all of our middle school students will take some time to check their progress so far for our 2nd trimester.  Students will be filling out a form and setting a few goals for the remaining part of the trimester.  Please ask your student to show you this form this coming Friday.  Thank you.


Middle School Exploratory Week:  We are going to need your help!  We have several opportunities for parents to help with driving and chaperoning different groups of students on Jan. 27-30.  Some unique opportunities include getting behind-the-scene tours of local manufacturing plants, small businesses, and doctor offices.  Help a group of students learn at a veterinary hospital or even take two hours to go bowling.  There is much fun to be had.   A sign-up website is being set-up and will be shared with you very soon.  Look for an email from school with the link in the next few days.  

***Students will be receiving a letter informing them of their exploratory classes on Tuesday***


    6th Grade News

    Art: Students continue to work through the portrait project.  Most students are working on completing the Egyptian styled portrait.  We will be moving on to our last portrait which will be done in the style of Picasso.  Please check the homework calendar for assignments.  


    Band:  Great work on the March Slav quiz this past week!  1/15 quiz on either #175 or #176.


    Bible:  Bible Memory - Philippians 2:1-11 due on Wednesday.  It is very long now, so they need constant practice.  Bible test on Unit 3 next week Friday.


    History:  Continuing our study of Mesopotamia.  The first part of our project is due on Thursday.  Each project also should include 2 pages of notes, and a bibliography page.  Next week Wednesday Project part 2 due due, and the final part of the project is due Tuesday Feb. 3.  They should be working on these projects a bit every night to be prepared.


    Language arts:  Test on Tuesday, January 13.  This test will be on PREFIXES and the ELEMENTS of a SHORT STORY.  


    Math (Kiser): We continue to work with Integers. Please encourage your child as they wrestle with these skills. Here is an integer rules handout students can use as a reference.


    PE: We are diving into our football unit. Students are practicing their football skills and preparing for the Super Snow Bowl. Check out Moodle to see what the Super Snow Bowl is all about!


    Science: Test will be coming on Thursday.  Review materials are posted on the class moodle page.


    Spanish:   We will continue using new vocabulary to talk about hair and eye descriptions.

    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Tomorrow students will be taking their Cumulative Test. It's hard to believe we're half way through the course! For the remainder of the week we will be solving systems of equations.


    Art:  Both class are working on doing a self-portrait in the style of LEGO. Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.  


    Band:  Great work on the quiz this past week.  We are working on some new songs and ear training/aural perception.


    Bible: Quiz on Psalm 33:12-22 on Tuesday, Jan. 20.


    History:  We are studying Africa and have focused on the geography of Africa so far.  This Thursday we will take a map quiz on identifying 30 African countries.  We are practicing in class and there are tools on moodle to help review.  Next week we will also start looking at the history of Africa.  Coming soon we will learn more about Nelson Mandela and the Lost Boys of Sudan.  


    Language arts: We are continuing to read Trouble, by Gary Schmidt. 7th graders have a summary assignment due on Wednesday. On Wednesday, I will be introducing the class to the long-term research-writing project Paideia. Students will be briefed on the details of the assignment and be given a list of topics. Students should begin skimming information about topics they may be interested in, and be ready to have a topic specifically selected next week. Parents, this project is a big one, so you will receive many specific details in an email later this week.


    PE: We are diving into our volleyball unit. Students are practicing their volleyball skills and putting them to the test during game play. There will be a test at the end of the unit. A review sheet and flashcards are posted on Moodle.


    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Test on Ch 6 Percents this Thursday.  


    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Quiz over 6.1-6.4 (area/perimeter of triangles & quadrilaterals, using the pythagorean theorem & finding the circumference of circles) on Tuesday 1/13.  Students may check their email for additional review materials from Ms. Sanderson.


    Science: We are studying butterflies and learning some of the more common ones found in our area.


    Spanish:  We are learning various kitchen vocabulary and will have a QUIZ this week:  7C on Friday (1/16) and 7D on Wednesday (1/14).

    8th Grade News

    Requested Announcement from NorthPointe Christian High School:


    8th Grade students and families,

    You are invited to discover what sets NorthPointe Christian High School apart at one of our two upcoming events:


    Tuesday, January 13th -  Information Night at 7:00pm

    ​Discover more about NorthPointe's high performing athletics, college prep academics, award-winning fine arts, vibrant spiritual community, and much more!


    Thursday, January 29th - Preview Day: shadow a student 7:35am - 2:35pm (RSVP required) Experience firsthand what it is like to be a NorthPointe student.  In the words of a recent Preview Day attendee, "Everyone was welcoming and kind.  I felt like I actually went there."


    Please contact Brittany Johnson with any questions or to RSVP:, 616.942.0350 x276


    DESSERT THEATRE:  Some necessary scheduling changes have occurred due to our Snow Day Friday.  Please check the website for details:  Students should be working on getting "off book" (having songs and lines memorized) for everything up to p. 45 in their scripts.


    Algebra (Boerkoel):  Working on chapter 7 where our focus is linear systems.


    Algebra (Holtrop): Students will be taking their Chapter 6 test on Wednesday. We will be focusing on linear systems next.


    Art: 8f and 8d classes need to be completed with plastering and have a coat of gesso on their family shape portraits.  8e will need to be completed with plastering by next week Friday.   Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.   


    Band:  Great work on the scales and Patapan songs this past week. We continue with musical workouts and new songs as well.


    Bible:  We have been studying what is commonly known as Passion Week for Jesus- the week leading up to his death and resurrection. It has been broken down into a day-by-day look into major events, where they took place, and how Jesus suffered during those days.


    Geometry: We have finished chapter 7 on congruent triangles and will have the test Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 13-14.  We are starting to work on area and will integrate many of our algebra skills while solving area and volume problems over the next few weeks.


    History:  Next week we will be finishing up our study of Chapter 11 by focusing on changes in the South and the challenges in the West during the early to mid 1800s. The Chapter 11 test will be scheduled for early the following week.  


    Language arts: We're pushing along with grammar and diagramming the parts of speech. Students will receive details about the Book of Memories writing project this week.


    PE: We are diving into our volleyball unit. Students are practicing their volleyball skills and putting them to the test during game play. There will be a test at the end of the unit. A review sheet and flashcards are posted on Moodle.


    Science: We have a volcano test on January 13.  


    Spanish:  In addition to working on our current unit, we are learning the Lord's Prayer in Spanish.  Memorizing Bible verses and prayers is always good, but doing these in Spanish is a great way for the students to develop better fluency, too.  It will be a while before this will be due, but students may want to begin working on it sooner rather than later.  It is posted in their current unit on Moodle.





    Below is the "rainout link" that you can click on to sign-up for text messages or emails that will go directly to you when there is a game cancellation thru the GRACEAC league due to weather.  Otherwise you can always call the cancellation hotline, which will run thru the end of basketball season.  Both links are also posted on the 5-8 Athletic Website.


    The 7th and 8th grade basketball schedules have been emailed out to both parents and coaches.  If you did not receive a schedule please contact Angela Van Duyn.  Schedules can also be found on the 5-8 Athletic Website.


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.



    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
    Quick Links
    Homework Calendars
    *To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."
    Student Grades
    View Previous MSM
    School Newsletter


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