Saturday, January 17, 2015

MSM 1.15.15



Middle School Matters


January 15, 2015
General Announcements

Volunteers Needed for Exploratory Week:  This January 27 - 30 is Exploratory Week for our Middle School.  We are looking for parents to help drive and chaperone for a few of our activities during the week.  Your time commitment can be as big or as small as you would like--help for one morning or help for four afternoons.  Please use this link to see all of the different volunteer opportunities that are needed and sign up today!  

A Representative from Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp will be visiting ACS on Thursday, Jan. 22.  Any student interested in attending the camp can receive a scholarship if they audition for the Blue Lake Rep. during band and orchestra classes on January 22.

Scrapbooking materials:  Do you have any extra or unused scrapbooking materials?  If so, we would love to have them/borrow them for the scrapbooking exploratory class.  Please bring them to the office.  If you want something returned, please note that as well.  Thanks in advance.  

Plastic milk jugs: Does your family drink lots of milk?  Please bring clean and dry plastic milk jugs to Ms. Sanderson's room.  We'll use them for an exploratory project.

A letter was received from Schools for Sierra Leone, thanking our Middle School for raising $595.63 for books for a library for Kabala Christian School.  The full letter will be up on Moodle soon.

    6th Grade News

    Art: In class we continue to work on completing the Egyptian styled self-portraits.  Next up is a self-portrait in the style of Picasso.  There will be a quiz the week February 2 on how to draw a self-portrait.  Please check the homework calendar for quiz dates and sketchbook due dates.   

    Band:  Another great quiz this past week!  No quiz this week - just working on our method books and songs.

    Bible:  Bible Memory Verse - Philippians 2: 1-11, 14 & 15 due Wednesday.  Bible Unit 3 Test on Friday.

    History:  Mesopotamia Project # 2 due Wednesday.  Global Studies Weekly # 16 due on Thursday this week instead of Friday.

    Language arts:  The students did very well on their tests this week.  Please check the grades on Powerschool.  I cannot send the tests home as their are many students who still need to take the test.  We continue reading and learning through short stories.

    Orchestra: The super 6th graders are learning Country Wedding Dance and Do-SI-Do and will have playing a playing quiz - violins will quiz first on Monday.

    Science: We will begin to study chemical reactions.

    Spanish:   The 6th graders are doing a GREAT job learning how to describe physical traits (hair and eyes) while using their newfound verb skills.  We will continue this next week while creating self-portraits with descriptive sentences to display.  They will have one class period in which to work on these, but may take them home to finish as needed.


    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  We'll be diving deep into chapter 7. Students should expect to take their test on Friday.

    Art:  In class the 7th graders have started painting their Lego self-portraits.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignment due dates.  

    Band:  We are working on The Tempest and also on rudimentary skills, scales and skill builders during class.

    Bible: Memory work Psalm 33:12-20 due Tuesday.

    History:  Next week in history we will be focusing on the history of Africa.  After taking a big picture approach, we will look at a couple of powerful stories including the story of the Lost Boys.  There will be a retake of the Africa Map Quiz on Wednesday if some students would like to try again.

    Language arts: We continue our reading of Trouble by Gary Schmidt. Our unit on the novel will come to a close sometime after the Week of Exploration.

        We have also kicked off the initial stages of the Paidea project. Students are being asked to spend some time looking over possible topics (historical figures) for this long term research paper. I have recommended to students to have at least three possible topics in mind by Tuesday of next week (as no two students may research the same person, it is a good idea to have a Plan B and C in case the most desired topic has already been selected).

        -Students have some reading and comprehension questions due on Monday

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Quiz on 7.1-7.4 on Thursday (ratios & proportions).

    Orchestra:  Focus on English Folk Song and our 2 pieces for the Moxie Strings concert.  There are lots of  tricky bowings and counting! Keep up the great work.

    Science: Students are working on their butterfly project.  They should also be studying the butterfly powerpoint for a future quiz over some of those butterflies that are common to our area.

    Spanish:  Due to last Friday's Snow Day, 7C will have their Kitchen Vocabulary Quiz this coming Wednesday, January 21st.  Later in the week, both classes will launch into the world of conjugating regular -AR verbs.  

    8th Grade News

    Dessert Theatre:  Thank you, parents, for all you do to allow these kids to make rehearsals!  Most will go until 5:15 (as scheduled) but there are a couple Fridays we need to shorten for the sake of others who need the gym:  January 30th and February 6th we will adjourn at 5 sharp.  Your link:

    Algebra (8th):  Chapter 7 test on Thursday.

    Algebra (Holtrop): We are working through chapter 7. We will be covering some big concepts. If your student needs added help I have posted tutorials on Moodle to help them understand.

    Art: In class 8f and 8d classes have worked through planning out the paint scheme for the family shape project and begun painting.  8e will need to be completed with plastering by next week Friday.   Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook assignments.   

    Band:  We have a number of new songs we are working on.  Great sounds especially on the "Pure Michigan" theme song.

    Bible:  We are continuing our close study of Passion Week. Students researched Passover and how it connects with the New Covenant that Jesus made at the Lord's Supper. Next week, we will be looking at Jesus' death and resurrection.

    Geometry: We are starting chapter 8 on perimeter and area of geometric figures.  We will be memorizing formulas and incorporating algebra skills into our problem solving.  The quiz and test on this unit will be after exploratory week.

    History:  Next week we will be reviewing for our chapter 11 test.  The test will be on Wednesday.  Student have access to a set of flashcards on moodle and a review sheet.  Class time on Monday and Tuesday will be used to help review the material.  

    Language arts: Next week we will be wrapping up our latest bout with grammar. Shortly after Week of Exploration, though, we will have a brief review of the material and a quiz.

        Students have kicked off the 8th grade Book of Memories project, a long-term creative writing assignment that will extend into May. Look forward to the final product of this assignment: it will be an awesome memento to look back and reflect on as the 8th graders continue to move into life after middle school.

        -No homework over the weekend; students have their first section of the Book of Memories due next Friday (1/23/15).

    Orchestra:   We are working hard on the 2 pieces that we will perform with the Moxie strings  group.  Be sure to get the shifting in tune and the correct bowings/rhythms.  Keep up the great work. 

    Science: Presently studying Earthquakes

    Spanish:  8th Graders are now reviewing fruits (and adding several new ones.)  If your student was not here in 4th grade they should study their online Flashcards to keep up.  We will be using this vocabulary while learning how to use a couple irregular verbs, along with direct object pronouns:  So, some new concepts coming up!  QUIZ this week on fruits and table settings:  8F on Wednesday, 8D and 8E on Thursday.  Just matching for now.


    5-8 Athletics:


    Below is the "rainout link" that you can click on to sign-up for text messages or emails that will go directly to you when there is a game cancellation thru the GRACEAC league due to weather.  Otherwise you can always call the cancellation hotline, which will run thru the end of basketball season.  Both links are also posted on the 5-8 Athletic Website.


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.


    Ada Christian School

    In This Issue
    General News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
    Athletic News
    Quick Links
    Homework Calendars
    *To see homework, click on the link above and then select "login as guest."
    Student Grades
    View Previous MSM
    School Newsletter


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