Thursday, January 22, 2015

MSM Exploratory News


Middle School Matters


January 22, 2015
General Announcements

Next week is our Week of Exploratory and we are very excited to spend this time with our students learning about some different areas of God's world.  Below are some special Exploratory Week Announcements.


Drivers Still Needed:  We still have a need for parents to volunteer to drive and chaperone several of our exploratory activities next week, Jan. 27-30.  Several of our activities need 3 or 4 chaperones each day so that students can go off campus and have unique learning experiences.  Please consider signing up for one or two spots if possible.  This is roughly a 2 hour time commitment for each time you volunteer.  Please sign up today!  


To visit the Volunteer Spot website, use this link:


No hot lunch next week. Please send a lunch each day. There is hot water available if you would like to send Mac-n-Cheese or noodles of whatever type.


Requesting Recyclables: If you have any clean milk jugs or 2-liter bottles, please bring them to Ms. Sanderson's room.  Thank you!


Requested Announcement:  Lowell High School will again be hosting our annual parent and student Freshman Orientation on Thursday, February 12, 2015 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM in the Lowell Performing Arts Center. Please enter on the West side of the building. This orientation is for parents and their children who will be entering high school in the fall of 2015.

    Specific Exploratory Class Announcements

    Winter Survival (Sessions 1): Dress warm, we will be spending most of our time outside.  You need to bring your hat, gloves, and snowpants.


    Scrapbooking (Session 1): Please bring an acid-free scrapbook, pictures (around 50 prints), double-sided tape, additional acid-free paper, and stickers.  If you have scissors, templates, cutting boards, etc. at home, please bring them to share...just make sure that your name is on them.


    Dessert Theatre (Session 1):  Please bring your SCRIPTS and PENCILS.  We will be doing lots of blocking and choreography, but will also learn some warm-ups and play some fun theatre games.  For after school rehearsals, please continue to check the website:


    Digital Photography (Session 1): Please remember to bring a digital camera to class and have your computer fully charged. Be ready with a creative mind and good attitude!


    CSI: ACS (Session 1): Please make sure you have a pencil.  Bring your computer as well!


    Yearbook (Session 2):  If you are a part of the Yearbook Exploratory, please bring your laptop to class.  Most of the work we do in this exploratory is done online, so your laptop is necessary.  Thanks.


    Strategy Games (Session 2): All materials required for this class will be provided for you; the only thing you must bring is a sharp mind and a good attitude. We will spend the first day going over the basics of several games, and then we will set up shop in room 413 and the student lounge.


    Craft & Serve (Session 2): Bring in any empty milk jugs or 2-liter pop bottles that you may have.  If you have any old jeans, feel free to bring these as well.


    Winter Adventure Club (Session 2 & 3):  Tuesday – ICE SKATING  We will head downtown to Rosa Parks Circle.  If you bring along an extra few dollars we might stop to get hot chocolate at a nearby restaurant.  Bring along ice skates if you have them for this day.  If it is not too crowded, we might try to play some broom ball or hockey.   Wednesday – CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING  We will be going to Palmer Park to learn how to cross country ski.   Thursday – DOWNHILL SKIING OR SNOWBOARDIN/G  We will head to Cannonsburg Ski Area.   You are welcome to bring your own equipment along or they will provide us with skis or snowboards.  HELMETS ARE REQUIRED TO SKI FOR SCHOOL EVENTS so bring yours along.  PLEASE COMPLETE THE PERMISSION FORM FOR CANNONSBURG THAT IS ATTACHED AND RETURN TO MRS. DEWEERD BY FRIDAY!  Friday – SNOWSHOEING  We will be going to Hemlock Crossing County Park to learn how to snowshoe.  Park guides will also be taking us through their nature trails and teaching us about winter animals.


    Creating Art (Session 3): For this week students should plan on bringing their computer to the session. Student will also need to bring in old receipts (grocery, hardware, clothing, etc) from home for a project.  Please also wear old clothing because some of the materials that we will be using could damage/stain the clothing that is being worn.  


    Set Painting (Session 3): Get ready for some fun painting.  Bring paint clothes!  You will get paint on your pants, shirts and even socks.


    Boxing Fitness (Session 3):  Please bring PE/workout clothes for Boxing Fitness.  You will also want to bring a water bottle with you.  Special Note:  To maximize time at the gym, we are going to meet at 1 pm in Mr. Kiser's Room.  If you are not finished eating your lunch, you can take it with you as we drive to the gym.  


    Bowling (Session 3):  We are going to have a great week bowling lots of strikes.  Special Note:  To maximize time at the Bowling alley, let's meet in Mr. Witte's room at 1 pm.  This will help us get organized and loaded on the bus more quickly and allow us to bowl more.  Thanks.


    Film Study (Session 3): We will be watching a series of three movies throughout the week. However, it will be important for you to bring a pen or pencil to class as you will be required to take attentive notes that will fuel our discussion of each film.

    Fairy Tales (Session 3): We are looking forward to a great week exploring and developing our acting skills! If you have any extra costumes/props, you will be asked to bring some towards the end of the week. Look for more information to come.



    Below is the "rainout link" that you can click on to sign-up for text messages or emails that will go directly to you when there is a game cancellation thru the GRACEAC league due to weather.  Otherwise you can always call the cancellation hotline, which will run thru the end of basketball season.  Both links are also posted on the 5-8 Athletic Website.


    For all up to date athletic announcements, game schedules, addresses to games, cancellations due to weather, sports sign-ups, etc., please go to the ACS 5th - 8th grade Athletic website.



    Ada Christian School

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