Monday, April 13, 2015

Middle School Matters 4/13/15


Middle School Matters


April 13, 2015

5th Grade News


Art: In class this week 5th grade will be working on a starting of a new project.  We will be looking at the work of Wayne Thiebaud.  


Band:  We are giving a concert for Grand Friends on Friday, May 1.  The schedule for the day will come out soon. Students do not need a particular uniform for this day; they just need to dress nicely.


Orchestra:  We are giving a concert for Grand Friends  on Friday, May 1.  The schedule will come out very soon so then you can make note of the times.  Students in 5th grade do not need to wear a particular uniform for this day.


Spanish:  We're going to create a garage sale this week and bargain (barter) for some great deals in Spanish while we combine our clothing unit and numbers vocabulary.


6th Grade News

Art: All students have the torn watercolor project due on Friday and work turned in late will be marked down. In class student will start working with clay and building an animal effigy bowl


Band:  We will give a concert on Friday, May 1 for Grand Friends Day.  Students need to wear black and white on this day.  Our Spring Concert is Thursday, May 14 at ACS at 7:00 p.m. Call time will be 6:30 that evening.  Concert dress for that night, also.  We have a lot of music to share with you!


Bible:  New Bible memory sheets went home today.  Parent signature required and turned back in on Friday.  Students need to choose six verse selections and one will be due each Wednesday for the remainder of the semester.  Instructions are on the top of the sheet and the directions were explained to the students today.  Thanks for helping your child choose meaningful verses to memorize.


History:  Continuing with our Ancient Rome Lessons on Moodle.  Students should have Lesson 2 complete, be working on Lesson 3 this week, and be beginning Lesson 4 by Friday.  Global Studies Weekly newspaper # 21 is due on Friday.


Language arts:  WORLD FAIR!  WORLD FAIR!  Hopefully you read my email for specific details!


Math: We continue to calculate area and perimeter of a variety of shapes.  


Orchestra:  We will  play a concert for you on  Grand Friends  Day- May 1.  We also have  the Middle school concert on Thursday, May 14th .  Tune time is at 6:20PM before the middle school concert.  Students will need to wear black and white for both of these concerts.


Science: We are continuing our study of forces and motion.  We will have a quiz on doing a "lab write-up" following the scientific method on Thursday (4/16).  There is a review posted on moodle.

Spanish:   This week we will have a little fun with family and descriptions.  We will create a small group "Happy Family" and present our "families" to the class.  This is a low key, fun way to practice for the upcoming Family Tree Presentations which will start next week!



7th Grade News

Algebra (7th): Tomorrow students will be taking their test. We will begin Chapter 11 next!

Art:  7th grade students have started working on creating their birds out of clay.  These projects will be due next week for 7c on Thursday,4/23 and  7d on Friday, 4/24.  

Band:  Concerts:  Fine Arts Night, Thursday April 23 in the Commons - time:  Concert begins at 6:30 (call time is 6:20). We will wear jeans for the FAN concert - this is a more casual event.  We will give a concert on Friday, May 1 for Grand Friends Day.  Students need to wear black and white on this day.  Our Spring Concert is Thursday, May 14 at ACS at 7:00 p.m. Call time will be 6:30 that evening.  Concert dress for that night, also.  We have a lot of music to share with you!

Bible: We're learning about Ezra, Haggai and Zechariah and how they helped the Israelites get "re-centered" on God after returning to Jerusalem from Babylon.

History:  This week we are reviewing for a test on the explorers.  Our test will be on Friday covering the notesheets and the explorer's grid we filled out today in class.  

Language arts: Students are being introduced to a new facet of the Paideia project - The Creative Paper - as they wait for the third drafts of their research papers to be "graded" and returned.-There is a schedule change for the Paideia project! Check your emails later today for the updates!

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We are working with data.  Discussing ways to collect, analyze, and display statistical infromation.

Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We are solving equations and inequalities with multiple steps.

Orchestra:   We will perform on Fine Arts Night - Next Thursday- April 23rd.  Our concert will begin  at 6:30 --Tune time is 6:15.  We will perform in the Music Room. -  We will also perform on Grand Friends Day- May 1  AND Middle School Concert - May 14th  ( at 6:20 PM)

Science: We finished dissecting pigeons.  Students have been given a study guide for the test on Thursday April 15.

Spanish:  We will be working (and playing) with all our new verbs to help us learn their meanings and how to use them in preparation for our upcoming test:  7C on Wednesday, April 22; 7D on Tuesday, April 21.


8th Grade News

NorthPointe Christian High School Preview Day - April 21st : Shadow a student for a day (or half day) and experience firsthand what it is like to attend NorthPointe.  Parents are welcome to join for a morning tour and pastries.  Please contact Brittany Johnson with any questions or to RSVP:, 616.942.0350 x276

Boerkoel Algebra (8th):  Chapter 10 math test on Friday April 17.

Holtrop Algebra: We are beginning chapter 10 this week. We also are taking part of each class and beginning to review the key concepts of the Algebra course. You'll notice the they're homework will consist of two parts, one part review and one part practicing a new skill.

Art: 8th graders are working on glazing their ceramic pots that they created last month.  The pots must be fully glaze ready for the 2nd firing by next week Friday 4/24/15.   

Band:  Concerts:  Fine Arts Night, Thursday April 23 in the Commons - call time 7, concert begins at 7:10. We will not need black and white for this concert - -  this is a more casual event.  We will give a concert on Friday, May 1 for Grand Friends Day.  Students need to wear black and white on this day.  Our Spring Concert is Thursday, May 14 at ACS at 7:00 p.m. Call time will be 6:30 that evening.  Concert dress for that night, also.  We have a lot of music to share with you!

Bible:  We have finished up looking at Paul's missionary journeys and will continue studying his life and work. After reviewing the main events of Paul's Christian life through creating a flip book, students will be assigned a specific epistle to study personally throughout the next week or two. More information on that project to come!

Geometry: We are finishing chapter 12 and will add proofs for similarity this week.  The test is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22.

History:  This week we will be finishing up our study of the Civil War.  The hope will be to take our test later next week.  

Language arts: The daily schedule for LA will be a little inconsistent because of the Willing to Wait program, but students will be able to adjust fairly easily. Here are the main things to consider for the week:

  • The 7th chapter of the Book of Memories project is due on Friday, April 17. They will have several class periods devoted to this this week.

  • Next Monday and Tuesday (April 20 & 21), 8th graders will have another vocab quiz based on Act II of the Diary of Anne Frank. The two dates will be to accommodate for the Willing to Wait schedule

Orchestra:   Concerts:  Next week - Thursday April 23rd - CONCERT - FOR FINE ARTS  NIGHT

- tune time  is 6:20 PM and concert is at 6:30 PM. GRAND FRIENDS DAY- FRIDAY - MAY 1- DURING SCHOOL IN THE AM  MIDDLE SCHOOL CONCERT-- THURSDAY - MAY 14TH.-- Tune at 6:20PM

Science: Continuing our study of the Moon.

Spanish:  8th graders will have a test NEXT week on lunch and dinner vocabulary, gustar, and common stem-changing verbs:  8E and 8F on Tuesday, April 21; 8D on Thursday, April 23.  Students should begin practicing the Lord's Prayer in Spanish  which we have been reciting together in class for several weeks.  They are to have this memorized and ready to recite individually by the week of April 27.



Ada Christian School

In This Issue
5th Grade News
6th Grade News
7th Grade News
8th Grade News
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