Friday, April 17, 2015

Middle School Matters 4/17/15



Middle School Matters


April 17, 2015
General Announcements

Fine Arts Night is coming next week Thursday, April 23.  Come and enjoy all the beautiful artwork displayed all over school and celebrate with the student all that has been accomplished this year in art class.   


7th Band Concert at 6:30 in the Commons

8th Band Concert at 7:10 in the Commons

    5th Grade News


    Art:  In class next week Miss Diemer (our student teacher from Calvin College) will begin a lesson on maps using a profile picture of the students.  


    Band: We have three new pieces of sheet music to work on.  Grand Friend's Day is coming - we are excited to play for our Grand Friends!  We also will give a 5th band concert on Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00 p.m. at ACS.  Please add this to your calendar!


    Jesus Project – These projects are packed with thought, insight and creativity.  We are wrapping them all up and putting them together, and hopefully they will come home in the next couple weeks or so.


    Language arts: We are currently working on a Jesus reflection paper, responding to a discussion that the characters in Bridge to Terabithia had about church and Jesus. After gathering information about the different perspectives of Jesus from the novel, students looked to what the Bible has to say about who Jesus is. Students are taking this information and forming a four paragraph response paper; including their own reflection on who Jesus is to them. Final drafts will be due on Tuesday. Instructions can be found on Google Classroom.


    Math: We've divided the 5th graders into four groups for four weeks.  All the groups will be working hard on mental math and "Life" – getting paychecks, paying bills, setting budgets, etc.


    Science/Tech Olympics – We tested the bridges, trajectory devices, anti-gravitational devices, egg containers and towers, and shot the rockets.  What a unique blend of ideas, and thanks for the efforts on the home end as well.


    Calvin College Chemistry Demonstration – On Monday, May 18, we will take a bus over to the Gezon Auditorium at Calvin for a morning of chemistry experiments.  Professor Larry Louters and his assistants take us through a set of very visual, hands-on experiments that will educate and definitely include the "wow-factor" for the 5th graders.


    Spring Camp – We will leave on Wednesday morning, May 20 and return on Friday afternoon, May 22 at 3:00.  Look for more updates as we get closer, and a more detailed packet to come home the week before we go.  There is a preliminary list below of parent names from Curriculum Night way back in September, but we understand that jobs and family situations can change a lot in seven months, so let one of the teachers know if there is a change to be made.  Things tend to run smoothly if you are able to commit to coming up for all three days, but again, we understand that is not always feasible with jobs and the like.  I'm sure the weather will be amazing and an awesome time will be had by all!!   


    Chad Afman, Susan Draaisma, Judy Jackson, Trisha Zylstra,

    Ginny Baysore, Sharon Dykhouse, Cathy Muir,

    Keith Berg, Megan Edison, Sally Schrock,

    Joe Brunink, Kathleen Ellsworth, Sara Uekert,

    Emily Caldon, Madeline Erickson, Glenn VanOtteren,

    Angela Cassiday, Tricia Hedlund, Lynn Winkle,

    Ryan Cook, Mia Helweg, and Dave Wolters


    Spanish:  We are all set up for the "Garage Sale" next week.  No actual clothing will be bought or sold.  Everything is on paper, but students will be given an "allowance" to spend wisely on clothing.  Using bartering vocabulary, they will see how far they can make their money go!


    Dress Code Reminder: With the warmer weather comes spring and summer clothing. In 5th grade, we are emphasizing modesty as students are nearing the middle school age. Miss Van Dyk talked to the girls today about dress code and what is expected. As a reminder, shorts should be no shorter than their fingertips when arms are resting at their sides. Dress code will be enforced on Monday and students are expected to check and make sure that they clothing fits our guidelines. Thank you in advance for your understanding!


    6th Grade News

    Art: In class students are working on their clay effigy bowls in class. At home student should be working on learning the ceramic/clay terms that were handed out.  There will be a quiz coming shortly those terms.  


    Band:  We are hard at work in our books!  Please encourage regular practice!  :)


    Bible:  The Patriarchs Bible Test - Tuesday.  Bible Memory Choice # 1 due on Wednesday.


    Choir:  Yes - it is true - we will be singing for the King and Queen of the Netherlands in June.

    Please watch your email for more information about this royal and incredible field trip.


    History:  Continue Ancient Rome Lessons on Moodle.  Lesson 3 should be complete, and working on Lesson 4 this week.  Ancient Rome Test next Thursday.


    Language arts:  

    Persuasive paper rough drafts due on Monday (not concluding paragraph, though.)  

    It has been so fun to see all of the display boards come into school.  The 6th graders obviously worked very hard on them!  They are officially due on Wednesday, April 22.  


         A FEW DETAILS about World Fair during Fine Arts Night:  

    The night begins at 6:30 and ends at 8:00.   Students should arrive around 6:15 wearing nice clothing.  Parents often help students set up and put food in SMALL portions.  Any extra "stuff" can go under the table.   (Students should let me know if they need an outlet.  If so, also bring an extension cord.)  


    At the end of the night, all food and artifacts can go home, BUT PORTFOLIOS AND DISPLAY BOARDS MUST STAY AT SCHOOL.  Students will need to stay by their board until 7:30.  At that point, they may wander around.  Students may leave at 7:45.  


    These students have worked SSSOOOO hard and have learned so much. Thanks for your support in this valuable project.  It should be a fun night.  Bring your camera and appetite!


    Math: Please quiz your student on the formulas for finding area of a square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, trapezoid, and circle.  They should have all those formulas memorized.  If not, have them find their orange formula page as a reference.


    Science: Test on Forces & Motion is Thursday.  A review is posted on moodle.

    Spanish:   Family Tree presentations this week!  This is a way for students to demonstrate conversational skills over everything we have learned this year.  They do not need to memorize scripts or anything formal like that.  After each presentation, the floor will be open to random questions.  Students are graded on fluency and comprehension.



    7th Grade News

    Algebra (7th):  Next week we will continue learning about rational expressions and equations in Chapter 11. I can't believe how hard each student has worked to get to this point. Keep it up! We will also be spending time reviewing key concepts from the Algebra course.

    Art: In class students are working on their ceramic birds.  This project is due on Thursday for 7C and Friday for 7D.  Please check the homework calendar for due dates.  

    Band:  Our Fine Arts Concert is Thursday, April 23 at 6:30 in the Commons - call time is 6:20. This will be just our band and we have a lot of music to show you.  We will be done by 7.

    Bible: We're finishing up a study of the rebuilding of Jerusalem after the Babylonian Exile.

    History:  Next week we are starting a new chapter looking at the first settlements in America.  Students will have a few reading assignments next week.

    Language arts: 7th graders will be receiving more feedback about the third drafts of their research papers, and will begin the final revision process shortly after.

    In the meantime, 7th graders will also be working on their creative papers as well as a final independent reading assignment.

    Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We continue working with data. Next week will focus on Probability.  

    Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Test on Chapter 10 on Thursday.

    Science: This week we will be study bird eggs and nest types.

    Spanish:  Test on regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs AND their meanings.  Students have a hard copy list of all the verbs, and the same list is posted on Moodle.  Test for 7D is Tuesday.  Test for 7C is Wednesday.

    8th Grade News

    Algebra (8th):  Starting chapter 11 on rational expressions and equations.

    Algebra (Holtrop): We are working through chapter 10 about factoring. We are also taking time each day to review material from what we've covered this year.

    Art: In class this coming week students will be working on the Space Invader Project.  Glazed ceramic pots are due Friday April 24.  Please check the homework calendar for due dates.  

    Band:  Fine Arts Night Concert is Thursday, April 23.  Call time is 7, we begin in the Commons at 7:10 - - we have so much good music to share - can't wait.  This is a special time with just the 8th grade band and their audience.

    Bible:  We have learned what an epistle is and the basic outline of Paul's Epistles. Students are now working on their own close-read of a chosen epistle. Students are reading the epistle and filling out a packet with response questions. At the beginning of next week, I will assign the Book of Memories Chapter 8 which will be due by May 1. Instructions are posted on Google Classroom and responses should be written directly on the assigned document on Classroom.

    Geometry: We are finishing our unit on similarity and learning how to prove that triangles are similar.  The unit test will be on Wednesday and Thursday, April 22 and 23.

    History:  We are reviewing for our Civil War test next week.  The test is scheduled for Friday, April 24.  Review materials are up on moodle if students wanted to start studying already this weekend.

    Language arts: Next week 8th graders will be completing The Diary of Anne Frank play written by Hackett and Goodrich. On Monday and Tuesday (April 20/21) students will be taking a brief vocabulary quiz based on terms from Act II. Students will wrap up the unit with a small test on Tuesday (4/28). We will then commence our final unit of the year: one last novel study on Gary Schmidt's Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy.

    As the end of the year approaches, I will be preparing 8th graders for their LA exam several weeks in advance. The exam will contain material from the 3 major pieces of literature covered in the 3rd trimester: The Giver, The Diary of Anne Frank and Lizzie Bright. Students can expect cumulative material as well as critical-thinking essays that will challenge them to tie together themes from all three works. During this time, students will get a feel for what it is like to prepare for a large exam. More details on this to come.

    Dates to keep in mind for this week and beyond:

    -April 20/21: Anne Frank Act II vocab quiz.

    -April 22: Anne Frank "Character Point of View" worksheet due.

    -April 28: Diary of Anne Frank Quest

    Science: Continuing our unit on the moon.

    Spanish:  Test on irregular, gustar, stem-changing verbs and lunch/dinner vocabulary:  8E and 8F on Tuesday.  8D on Wednesday.


    Ada Christian School

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    5th Grade News
    6th Grade News
    7th Grade News
    8th Grade News
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