Friday, September 20, 2013

Middle School Matters 9/20/13

Middle School Matters

Theme: "Centered On Christ"
September 20, 2013

General Announcements:


7th and 8th Grade Service Project:

Next week students will be coming home with and we will also be emailing an electronic copy of the service project permission slips and 14 reminders that must be signed and return to school.  


Also very soon we will be sending out information about the plans for project we will complete on these two days, schedules and tools needs.  


Finally, for a project we'll be working on at the 7th/8th service project, we need lots of old jeans (holes are welcome), cotton quilting fabric, and clean plastic milk jugs.  We'll be using these materials to make shoes for kids in East Africa who struggle with foot-related diseases due to their lack of footwear.  Please help by bringing these materials to Miss Sanderson in Room 406.


Study Skills: Learning Styles are an important part of understanding yourself as a learner and will be addressed this coming week.


BOX TOPS For Education: Don't forget to clip out those Box Tops to earn money for our school and then have your student turn them into their homeroom teacher.  Box Tops sheets are coming home this week!  Your student can attached the box tops to the squares on the sheet.  We ask that the children ONLY place the allotted amount on each page and that BONUS Box Tops should be turned in separately.  Completed sheets can be turned in to the office for a prize, and new sheets are available in the office as well.


Here are a few websites you may want to check out.  and -  enrollment code 125B8695194


School Store!  Student Council has begun and the school store will now be open Mon, Tues, Thur, Friday.  We sell Ramen Noodles and Mac-N-Cheese, a variety of snacks and candy, Gatorade and Arnold Palmer, and Propel.

Sixth Grade:


Service Project letters went home with your child today.  Look for the letter, read the explanation, and return the back page by Wednesday.


6th Grade Parent Letter - Service Project 2013 


Art: We continue to work on patterns in class and we soon will be looking at how to visually represent how we see God at work in our lives.  Check Moodle for sketchbook homework.  


Band:  What a great bunch!  We are working hard on page 32 and begin 33 soon - - we will have a quiz next week Thursday on March Slav.  Nothing too scary.  Practice will help!  :)


Bible:  Excellent job on the Outside -In Bags!  It was great to hear about how God has made each of us unique and amazing!  This week we will continue our study of the Bible as a big picture.  We will be looking at the languages in which the Bible was written and the different types of books included in the Bible.  Our new Bible memory verse is II Timothy 3:16-17.  This will be due Wednesday October 2.  Also this week your kids will ask you to reflect on God's faithfulness to your family.  They should completed the worksheet, but talk to you about examples from your experiences to help them.  What a good opportunity to help your child see God at work in your life and in the lives of your family!


History:  We are looking at the different regions of the world. We will also be calculating latitude and longitude for different locations around the world.


Language arts:  The sixth graders are in the middle of writing interesting narratives.  We work on these during our "Writing Wednesday" times.  In addition, we will continue reading Tuck Everlasting.  Through this novel, we will study characterization, vocabulary, and figurative language (similes, metaphors, and personification).  Next Wednesday or Thursday the students will take the language arts portion of the DEA tests.


Math: Students are adjusting well to explaining work and working through the process of how we come up with our answers.  We are now taking some time to review what we have covered in Ch 1 and will be looking towards a Ch 1 test on Wednesday next week.  A study guide and online review resources were shared with students today.  


PE: This week in PE we will be learning about off sides in soccer.  Currently we have been learning about different position play on the field.  


Orchestra: This is a great bunch of kids and they are  making super sounds in orchestra-- Practice , practice  practice the difficult exercises in the technique book - for a short playing quiz in class next Monday and Tuesday.


Science:  In the upcoming week we'll continue looking at scientific systems of measurement and will wrap up the lab investigations that we've begun in class.  The students will have a quiz on measurement late next week.


Watch a short video of one group learning about measuring regular volume with the SI system.


Spanish:   Students just took a quiz on places and the verb "to go," and this coming week they will begin work on their projects (either a short movie or slide show) which further illustrate their ability to build sentences and demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary we have studied.


Seventh Grade:


Art: Most of the seventh grade students are completing their work on the art element and principle pinwheel.  We will next look at the work of Alexander Calder.  Check moodle for homework.  


Band:  We are working on sheet music and our books.  Soon we will begin to work on solos.  This is a super group.  :)



Bible S: We've met lots of biblical judges and have created visual metaphors to describe the Israelites' "rollercoaster" journey with God.  We'll continue our study of Judges & journeys this week as we also begin to examine benchmarks and cycles in our own journeys with God.


Bible VN:  We have finished Joel and Micah, and great work came in.  Now we are doing Jonah.  He was a bit into drama. Watch Moodle Homework Calendar for assignments.


Bible Wanner:  We have finished 1 Samuel and will complete it with doing a project on jealousy next week in addition to starting 2 Samuel.  


History:  We are just starting a new unit on South Asia.  We will begin doing some reading and answering questions on these assignments.  We are also starting the process of learning the names of most countries in Asia.  We hope to take a map quiz in a week and a half.  


Language arts: We have finished reading the Witch of Blackbird Pond. On Monday, the 7th graders will be completing and submitting their live "snapshots" of an important scene from the book. These scenes and their accompanying descriptions will be posted for all students to review the major events of the book -- which will help them prepare for their "Quest" (bigger than a quiz, but smaller than a test) on the book next Wednesday. Students can expect a small study guide in print  


PE:  This week in PE we will be starting our soccer unit.  The students just finished their disc golf courses and did an amazing job!  Challenge: find a park near your house and have your son/daughter teach you how to play disc golf!


Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): Chapter 2 has begun in PreS.  The students are doing quite well so far as we discuss integers, absolute value, and how to evaluate equations using both.  In the upcoming week we will extend this study and will also participate in DEA testing (Tuesday and Wednesday).


Pre-Algebra (Kiser): Absolute Value, Integers and Inequalities.  We going to take a quick spin through ch 2 to review our skills with positive and negative numbers.


Orchestra:  Many students have already selected their solos as well as their duets and trios.  They are full of excitement for  this Solo and Ensemble event.  Be sure to ask for a mini concert as soon as they have part of their songs learned.


Spanish:  7th graders have been working on prepositions showing location and have projects due this coming week.  (7F will just be starting their projects next week, which will be due the following week.)  All are currently learning vocabulary centered around things in the living room and bedroom.


Eighth Grade:


Algebra:  We are beginning our look at chapter 2 which includes working with real numbers.  We will start the process of reviewing how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative numbers.  


Art: 8th graders continue to work on printing their chop designs in a variety of color.  No sketchbook homework for this week, but soon student will be having a quiz on printmaking.   


Band:  We have a stack of music we have begun to learn. Such talent and energy.  I am very thankful for their good work in class!


Bible:  Witte:  We will be taking a test on the Gospels on Wednesday.  We will review during class on Tuesday, but students are being asked to finish a review sheet for class on Tuesday.

Huttenga: We are continuing our study of the growth of the church in the book of Acts; specifically, we are observing how God even uses the persecution of Christians to help the church grow. At the end of the week, a small project will be introduced that will ask students to see how their church (or a local church) facilitates growth in it's community.


Geometry: We have finished chapter one and are working on the first part of chapter two. We are learning about conditionals and definitions in geometry.


History:  Continuing our study of the Revolutionary War, and working on NHD.  We will have a 20 question quiz on our movie notes on Friday (Sept 27).  


Language arts:  Any books you checked out at GRPL on Thursday, September 5 are due on Thursday, September 26.  For your convenience, Ms. Reinders will bring these books back to GRPL for you if you return them to school by 3:30 PM on Tuesday, September 24.  These books should be left in the specially marked box on the library desk, and students should log their name and the titles of the books being left in the box.  

    We will be studying sentence structure next week. By doing this, we will learn how to add variety to our NHD paper, and keep our audience excited and interested. By Tuesday, we should have 15 pages of notes completed to be checked in class. Ms. Reinders will be stopping by on Monday to teach us about citations and bibliographies. One or two class periods will be devoted to working on our actual papers.



 This week in PE we will be starting our soccer unit.  Students spent the past 2 weeks learning how to play ultimate frisbee.  We will have a test in 2 weeks, so make sure to check moodle for the test date and review sheet next week.   



Orchestra:  Pops, Mozart and American folk music -- it is all in their folders -- and it is fun to work with them .  


Spanish:  Chores and more chores!  This week we continue to learn more things we do around the house and how to say we are going to do these things on certain days.  


Ada Christian School

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