Friday, September 27, 2013

Middle School Matters 9/27/13

Middle School Matters

Theme: "Centered On Christ"
September 27, 2013

Middle School Matters

General Announcements:

7th and 8th Grade Service Project:  Did you sign and return the blue permission slip?  Has your student asked you about borrowing tools? Have you contacted Ms. Sietsema about medical and dietary concerns?  Have you started packing?  Please contact Mr. Wanner, Mr Musch, or Ms. Sanderson with any questions you have.  

Study Skills: Think like a teacher:  What will he/she ask on the test?  What does he want from me for this assignment?  Does the teacher already know this?  More excellent questions for students to ask themselves as they work will be discussed this week.

Gift Collection:  Student council is collecting money for gifts for Mr. Wanner (new baby came in July), for Ms. Sietsema (wedding in October) and Mr. Musch (new baby coming in January).  We are hoping to collect $3 from our MS students and then we will surprise these three teachers with gifts!  :)  Please send $3 to homeroom teachers if you are willing to contribute.

Entertainment Books - There are some still available in the office for purchase.

Have you seen the Middle School Spiritual Retreat Libdub??  

Try this link:  Middle School Libdub 

Spanish Immersion Weekend - October 25-27 at Circle Pines Center, Delton, MI (only about 40 minutes away)  This fun weekend shared with native speakers is for ALL ages and levels.  Please contact Sra. Weaver for more information.

Sixth Grade:

Art: Student continue working on completing their pattern hands and next week we will start to work on visually representing how we see God in our lives.  Check Moodle for homework.  

This past Monday 6th grade students and parents enjoyed ArtPrize and did their best to complete Mr. Wanner's Scavenger Hunt.


Band:  We had our first quiz on Thursday, hooray!  September practice records are due this coming week - either on paper, or else submitted at on the practice page OR through the band moodle page.  240 minutes is an A.  :)

Bible:  Bible Memory II Timothy 3:16-17 due on Wednesday.  We are studying the who? what? when? where? why? and how? of the Bible.  

History:  We are continuing our study of maps and globes this week.  Jr. Scholastic Magazine worksheets are due on Tuesday.

Language arts:  We have finished reading the first section of Tuck Everlasting.  Your child is working on some questions and important quotes.  These are due on Wednesday, Oct. 2.  We will discuss these on Wednesday as well as look closely at the characters and begin analyzing the figurative language



Math: These students are doing great!  I'm so impressed with how hard they are are working and their great attitudes.  We completed our first chapter and have learned a lot about how ratios and rates can be used to figure out an unknown quantity.  As we move to Ch 2: fractions, decimals and percents, I'm excited about the real life applications that can be made.  If while dining out you tip a server and help your student figure out and record their math for your tip, you may have your student bring that into Mr. Kiser for 5 points extra credit.  Or perhaps you are shopping and there is an item on sale, if you help your student work out the math for the amount of savings send in the math for 5 points extra credit.  (Max of 10 point EC per student).


This week in PE students are learning the difference between corner kicks and goal kicks.   



Orchestra: We are working on pages 38 and 39 in our books- ¾ time and C Major  and also dotted notes -- so lots of details to notice .  We played our quiz lines quite well and  just a few students will play again  - # 195, 196 and 197- on Tuesday.  

Science: During the upcoming short week, we'll go over our first "quest" on measurement and also participate in a lab activity.

Spanish:   Students will spend two class periods next week creating (and learning how to create) iMovies that demonstrate their comprehension and fluency with the current unit material: Forms of "ir," a + article, and places around the community.  This project will take the place of a test for this unit.

Seventh Grade:

Art: Two classes have started our next project based on sculptor Alexander Calder.  7D is still working on their art element and principle pinwheels; the other classes will be given a due date for this project next time they come to class.  Check moodle for homework and project due dates.

Band:  We handed out solos for Solo and Ensemble this past week.  This is a great project, and these students will do a super job. September practice records are due this coming week - either on paper, or else submitted at on the practice page OR through the band moodle page.  More info on Solo/Ensemble later. :)


Sanderson - We have finished studying the Judges.  Next up: examining our own Spiritual journeys.

Van Noord - We finished Jonah and Nahum this week.  Next up:  Habakkuk and then....Isaiah!

Wanner - Next week we will present our artwork dealing with a jealously and starting 2 Samuel chapters 1 - 10.

History:  Next week we will begin a study of two religions that had their start in South Asia--Hinduism and Buddhism.  I will present to the students the idea of having a worldview and we will compare the worldviews of Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists. Through this mini-study, I hope that my students quickly see what makes Christianity so great!

Language arts: Next week we will be continuing the unit we just started today: short stories. We are beginning the unit by studying Rudyard Kupling's famous Indian fable "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", from his compendium The Jungle Book. As we study short stories, we will focus on the elements of plot, as well as expanding our literary vocabulary with words such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, and personification.  

PE:  This week in PE students started their soccer unit.  Specifically, we are focusing on learning how offsides can happen during a game.  

Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We're continuing with our study of integers this week.  We're gaining confidence with adding and subtracting integers with the help of our new friend "Walt the Worm" and will take a close look at multiplying and dividing with integers this week.  Our Chapter 2 test won't be coming until the week after the service project.

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): We took a week to review Integers this past week.  Our test on Integers will be on Wednesday, Oct 2.  A study guide and sample test are included in the textbook.  Our online portal also has an online practice test students will complete.

Orchestra: We have made some great progress in our Solo and Ensemble  selections - so almost everyone has new music to work on this week.  If you want to check out songs at Meyer Music,  just bring your instruments along and play in one of their practice rooms and show  your selections next week!  Have fun!

Spanish:  7th graders will get to see their class projects presented, and will begin using definite and indefinite articles while practicing translation skills.  These grammatical points will utilize their current vocabulary words being learned in Unit 5, "La sala y el dormitorio" (The living room and the bedroom).

Eighth Grade:

Algebra:  Next week we will continue to look at working with positive and negative numbers.  We will learn about the distributive property and dividing real numbers.

Art: Students are working towards completion of their name prints.  This project will be wrapped up within the next week and a half.  Please check moodle for homework.  

Band:  We have a bunch of great music in our folders and the students are doing really nice work.  What an excellent team they are.

Bible:  (Witte) In our two days of Bible next week we will look at how Jesus was tempted in the desert and the choosing of the 12 disciples.  The Bible test we took this week will be returned on Tuesday.  

Geometry: We are working on chapter 2. There will be a quiz on sections 2.1-2.5 on Wednesday, October 2.

History:  Continuing our study of the Revolutionary War and working on NHD papers during this short week of classes.

PE:  This week in PE we finished up our ultimate frisbee unit.  Reminder:  8A and 8B will take their Ultimate Frisbee test on Tuesday, October 1.  


We are working on 2 new songs this week, Adirondack and Counterpoint. This group is sounding super, awesome tone and great phrasing. Thanks for your hard work!   


Spanish:  Due to In-service on Monday and service projects on Friday, 8th graders will not have Spanish next week.  We will pick up with our chores expressions the following week, with a quiz on Friday, October, 11th.


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