Friday, September 6, 2013

Middle School Matters 9/6/13

Middle School Matters
Theme: "Centered On Christ"
September 6, 2013

General Announcements:

Meet the Teachers:
Thursday Evening at the Middle School Parent Information Meeting the teachers showed a presentation with teacher pictures.  We thought you might enjoy seeing these fun pictures again. Click here to view the presentation.

Spiritual Retreat:  The Spiritual Retreat will be on Friday, September 13.  This date is coming up quick.  Please see the attached document to review the schedule of activities, and what your child will need for the day. 

Hot Lunch:  Hot lunch orders are due by Sept 7th.

Study Skills: This week organization of the home study area will be discussed.

Homework Club: This is an after school time to work on homework and ask a question or two is available for grades 6,7 and 8.  The students are asked to spend the entire time in the Media Center.  That is after school until 3:45.    

Noon Room:A short time during the noon break is available for middle school students to go to get some work done.  This is a voluntary time, monitored by a teacher.  At times teachers do ask kids to attend the noon room to get their work done.  It is held in the Media Center.

Dessert Theatre:  Ok, it's a little early yet, but there is a website that will be updated periodically from now until the show March 27th and 28th (mark your calendars!)  Here is the link for the most current information available: 

Sixth Grade:

Parent Information Evening: THANK YOU for coming last night, we had a great time meeting new faces and chatting with you.  We are thankful for your partnership in Christian Education.  If you missed last night's meeting, your student will be bringing home a packet for you today.  Some of that packet can be seen digitally by clicking here.

6th Grade fun when picking Lockers!

Art: 6th graders are beginning work on their hand project that asks them to take a look at pattern and also how do they visually represent God's hand in their life.  Please check the homework calendar for sketchbook and assignment dates.

Band:  We are off!  Instruments need to come Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.  I am so excited to begin! :)  Work on Page 31.  :)

Bible:  The Outside - Inside Bag project was sent home on Wednesday.  The brainstorming sheet was due today, and after checking it  I sent it back home for your child to use as a guide in putting their bag together.   It will be due Tuesday Sept 17th.  We are taking time in class to look at the Bible as a whole book.  We will look at the major themes and promises in the Bible, and show how God has been faithful to us through time.

History:  We spent the first week working with our new computers, and now we are beginning to look at the geography of the world.  We have searched the world for Mrs. DeWeerd... (she was lost all over the world), and have now begin to look at some of the major themes of geography.

Language arts:  We are learning a lot about each other and our computers as we type our Auto-Bio Poems.  Ask your child about his/her poem!   Next week we will begin spelling and our study of antonyms and synonyms.  All students will need to bring an independent reading book to LA class next week as well.  

Math: This past week we spent a good deal of time getting used to how our math book and online math portal functions.  ( will allow your student to pull up an e-version of our textbook.)  Next week we will dive into ratios, rates, and proportions.  Please watch for ways you can encourage your student when they get to the end of their assignment.  Generally the assignment ends with a couple "HOT - Higher Order Thinking" problems.  These problems are meant to stretch and apply the concept and can be challenging for some.    

Orchestra:  We are off to a great start getting our fingers and bows all working  again!  What a super group of string players.  Remember to bring instruments AND music on all 3 days - Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays!  This week the assignment is the first page in Book 2 of Muller Rusch as well as measures 1 through 42- on the new song-sheet music.  I am happy to help you out if you need help on anything!

Science: The students have conquered their first quiz of middle school!  They met "Carrie Less," a lab student who needed help from our wonderful 6th Grade Scientists to correct her careless lab habits.  This coming week we will continue familiarizing ourselves with lab tools and procedures, begin to look at the metric system and will be able to apply our knowledge of lab safety through a couple of inquiry-based lab experiences.

Spanish:   We are incorporating the forms of the verb "to go" with places in the community that we learned at the end of 5th grade.  Next week, students will receive a study guide and will have their first online assignment (which will be done in class for now.)  Please note:  Online assignments can be done as many times as the student wishes until the deadline.  Their best score by the due date is what will go in the gradebook.  The idea is that students will have greater control over their practice opportunities, learning, and success!

Seventh Grade:

Algebra:  In Algebra we have been working on some basic skills like understanding the difference between variables, expressions, and equations.  We will be looking at understanding word problems early next week too.  By the end of next week we will be reviewing chapter 1 and getting ready for our first test.  The Chapter 1 test will probably be early in the following week.

Art: In 7th grade art we have started a project on the elements and principles of art and will be working on this project for a while.  Please check moodle/the homework calendar for sketchbooks assignments due dates.  

Band:  Instruments need to come Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.  I am so excited to begin! :)  We are working on Book 2 - :)  this is a wonderful group!!

Sanderson - We'll be wrapping up our study of the Shema this week (Memory work = Deuteronomy 6:4-9 due 9/12) and launching a project in which we will examine Old Testament journeys along with reflecting on each of our personal journeys with Christ.

Wanner -  We have begun our journey through first and second Samuel.  Next week we will be working on completing reading and working through first Samuel where we learn about Hannah's power of prayer, Israel's desire for an earthly king, Saul rise and fall as that first king and then David's accent towards kingship.  Please keep an eye on the Moodle/homework calendar for what assignments are due.  Also coming up soon is our first Bible memory; Psalm 25: 1 - 5 Due on 9/20/13.
Van Noord- We are working on the prophets. Joel is done, Micah is up next!  Bible memory is due Sept. 12.  Micah 6:6-8.

History:  We are starting off this year by reviewing some Geography skills.  Next week we will be finishing a keynote about the 5 Themes of Geography (due Tuesday) and we will begin to review a list of geography vocab words.  

Language arts: We are continuing our study of "The Witch of Blackbird Pond". Students will be reading through chapter 8 this weekend, and answering a worksheet of questions based on what they have read so far. The reading and questions are due in class on Monday for grading. Parents, stay tuned for you own novel-guide to help keep up with what your child is learning!

Pre-Algebra (Sanderson): We will continue working through Chapter 1 of our "Math Accelerated" text this week.  Our topic of study is "The Language of Algebra".  We have been tackling some pretty challenging problems and concepts that have required us to do some fairly complex "mental gymnastics" as we work to raise our mathematical thinking to a higher level.  One goal for the coming week is to become more confident in using our online textbooks and catching the rhythm of class so that we can set a good foundation for our studies this year.

Pre-Algebra (Kiser): This past week we have been adjusting to how our textbook and online portal are set up for Pre-Algebra.  Next week we will continue to review Algebraic expressions, equations and other "Algebra" topics from Chapter 1 of our book.  One adjustment for students with Pre-Algebra is that we are placing a bit more focus on application and real life context for our math problems "Higher Order Thinking."  Students are finding this to be a mental stretch, but will get more comfortable as we practice these skills. :)

Orchestra:  We are off to a great start getting  out fingers and bows all warmed up again.  It is great to see these wonderful students  and hear about summer fun and adventures.  I am so thankful for each one of these great students.  They are working on scales and broken thirds- with 2 or 3 per group- to be presented and taught to the  entire orchestra  on Monday or Tuesday.  Call me if you ever have questions !

Nearly each day in science we go outside to study another plant or aspect of God's creation.  The students are putting together a nature study keynote.  Please look over their work a couple of times each week.

Spanish:  7E started working with prepositions and location.  Ask your student if he can show you the "Peppy Preposition Dance!"  They will begin an in-class project next week demonstrating comprehension.  7D and 7F will learn these next week.

Eighth Grade:

Algebra: In Algebra we have been working on some basic skills like understanding the difference between variables, expressions, and equations.  We will be looking at understanding word problems early next week too.  By the end of next week we will be reviewing chapter 1 and getting ready for our first test.  The Chapter 1 test will probably be early in the following week.

Art: 8th grade students are working on creating an identifying mark, chop or signature that incorporates the artist own initials.  Please check moodle/homework calendar for sketchbooks assignments.   All students should have completed their first assignment which was creating a sketchbook cover.   

Band: Instruments need to come Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.  I am so excited to begin! :)

Bible (Witte): In our Bible class we have been learning about the background information to the four gospels.  Next week we will specifically look at some of the unique features of Mark, Luke, and John.  

Geometry: We have started Chapter 1 and are beginning to organize our notes with some new vocabulary that will be needed throughout the course. There will be a short quiz on Monday, September 9.

History:  We are continuing our study of the American Revolution and working on NHD.  Here is the link to the NHD proposed calendar.   NHD Calendar  These are the proposed dates and class-time spent working on the project.

Language arts: Literature: we are wrapping up our brief unit on short stories. Through studying these stories, we are learning about the elements of plot, atmosphere, tension, and all the other components that make stories so compelling.
        NHD: We are still gathering notes, but are beginning to learn about envisioning our paper; how will we make it interesting to our audience? How will we organizing our information to make our paper easier to read...and write! Beginning next Tuesday, our goal is to have 6-8 pages of notes complete. Feel free to exceed that, and keep looking for sources!

Orchestra:  We are off to a good beginning and are working on writing out  and playing scale with friends--so we will finish those  on Monday and Tuesday!

Science: We started the year with a review of how to do a lab write up.  Our first unit of study will be minerals.  

Spanish:  We had our first class just today (Friday) and it was so good to see your kids!  Students did a great job comprehending a survey written in Spanish about their teacher,  and will share answers about themselves (in Spanish) on Monday.  Then we will begin our unit on chores around the house!  

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